Last Call

This is just a quick reminder. I’m now down to less than 24 hours to wrap work on THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS before turning the digital files over to the printer, which means this is absolutely everyone’s last chance to pre-order if they want to be listed on the SPECIAL THANKS pages.

And no, I’m not going to reveal the context of the above illustration. You’ll have to read the book to find out.

A Quick Update

There’s a part of me that would rather post a pic from a page I’m working on, but I’m restraining myself from spoiling any surprises. Originally, there were only going to be 14 pages from the opening chapter of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: SHATTERED TOMORROWS, but because of how the book layout has been shaking out, that 14 pages is now 17 plus the 2-page Coming Attractions. That expansion resulted in me shifting around a few pages as originally page 17 would’ve ended in the middle of a flashback instead of the cliffhanger it now depicts.

As I’m working to finish the pages, I’ve been receiving emails asking if people order now will they still get listed on the SPECIAL THANKS page.

The honest answer is right now anyone who orders before March 20 WILL be listed on the SPECIAL THANKS page. After that, the book is on its way to the printer. This is the last week in order to be listed in the book, but not the last week to order, as I still need reader support since I haven’t lined up a distributor at this time. In fact, ordering the book through my website is the ONLY way prior to the San Diego Comic-Con that readers can obtain a copy of the book.

Other points to keep in mind are at least the next 23 orders can still acquire the Limited Edition signed Lara-Su print created especially for the book release. Anyone who orders past March 20 will still find their name listed in the SPECIAL THANKS section of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES APP along with everyone else who pre-ordered. Lastly, anyone who pre-orders a copy of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS prior to the 2024 San Diego Comic-Con will also receive a randomly selected back issue of either SONIC or KNUCKLES that I worked on personally signed by me.

I fully believe once people see the finished book they’re going to want this in their collection.

In the meantime, I’ve added another item to my website store in time for convention season. Readers can show their true colors attaching their convention badge to my LARA-SU CHRONICLES Lanyard. 2024 is the year where my focus is more LARA-SU CHRONICLES and less SONIC THE HEDGEHOG at my convention appearances. Check it out and I hope to see you at this year’s Comic-Con. Thanks and take care.

ETA Arrival Update

Above is the Stratocruiser-class hyperjet Guardian 7 piloted by Thunderhawk in a dramatic sequence occurring during SHATTERED TOMORROWS. Speaking of which, I have an update from the printer regarding when the copies I ordered are estimated to arrive here on my end.

Everything is based on my wrapping work on the last 8 pages by no later than March 20, 2024, so I’m basically living at my workstation for the duration as everything else is completed and locked in.

With that established, the printer has supplied me with a schedule of all phases of the operation, including approvals of proofs and so on. The copies are slated to arrive sometime mid- to late June on my end, allowing me a week or so to ship all the pre-ordered copies out all signed and accompanied with the promised Lara-Su prints.

Once the pre-ordered copies are shipped and everyone who ordered notified by email, I’ll begin getting ready to head out to San Diego for Comic-Con.

As a result of how smoothly everything is going with the printers, I can guarantee the next 10 people to pre-order a copy of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS by March 19 will be listed on the SPECIAL THANKS pages.

For those who want to order after the cut-off, I had to figure out a bonus as a thank you I could also ship to those who pre-ordered already. And that bonus is a randomly selected back issue of either SONIC or KNUCKLES that I worked on personally signed by me.

So for those who already pre-ordered BEGINNINGS, there’s a comic book already set aside for those people to accompany their order. For those who ordered and didn’t get on the SPECIAL THANKS list in the book, they’ll still get on the list in the app and this is my make-good for not getting in the book.

Any questions? Simply email me and I’ll do my best to respond ASAP. Thanks for your support in the meantime. It’s appreciated.