At this time, those who purchased THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS have been emailed and instructed how they can Pre-Order KEN PENDERS’ KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME ONE. Everyone else will be able to Pre-Order sometime this coming Monday, March 10.

It occurs to me at this point I may not have been clear if I even expressed this thought at all, but everyone who Pre-Orders the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS before the completed book files are submitted to the printer will be listed on the SPECIAL THANKS pages, just as I did for those who Pre-Ordered THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS.

The fact that the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS is on the verge of becoming a reality is due more to the support from readers the world over. It wouldn’t happen without those who have followed my work, and for that I am very grateful.

So what happens after this? After the book is printed, shipped to those who purchased a copy and is made available thru my website and convention appearance?

My recent meeting with Scott Shaw! resulted in some critical decisions needing to be made, but what happens next is entirely up to the audience. If enough people keep supporting what I’m doing, I’ll keep on producing books.

Once the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS goes to the printer, I’ll be primarily focused on getting the LARA-SU APP ready for release while Scott Shaw! prepares the material for inclusion in the forthcoming release SCOTT SHAW!’S SONIC DAZE, featuring his work on SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #0 thru #3 and much more. The Pre-Orders for that book will begin shortly after the San Diego Comic-Con, with the book going to the printer sometime in the late August – early September timeframe with the public starting to receive their copies starting before Thanksgiving this year. This hardcover book will be about 160 pages with a price of $50.

Sometime in October, I’ll begin taking Pre-Orders for THE SHADOW FILES, which will collect stories featuring Shadow as seen in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #98, 124, 125, 145 thru 149, 157 thru 159, 166 and 167. I’m not sure yet what if any special features will be available, but I’ll have a better idea later this year. As for the page count, this will run approximately 160 pages as well in the hardcover format with a price tag which I’d like to keep at $40, but no promises. I hope to begin shipping copies to buyers sometime around February 14, 2026.

By this point, the LARA-SU APP will be out with more pages from SHATTERED TOMORROWS, with installments priced at $2.99 per installment.

As I make my way to completing the story, it’ll be about this time I’m gearing up for the release of KEN PENDERS’S KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME TWO, aiming for a Comic-Con 2026 debut.

My rough sketch of the future should have stopped here, but it became obvious with Scott’s books and THE SHADOW FILES that other characters deserved their own time in the sun. Thus, after KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME TWO is released, I’ve decided the next book will be HER MAJESTY SALLY, featuring material from SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #17, 18, SONIC IN YO’ FACE SPECIAL #1, SONIC #20, PRINCESS SALLY mini-series #1 thru #3, SONIC #31, 36, 41, 43, 58 thru 60, KNUCKLES issue #29, SONIC issues #155 and 156. The contents for this are not entirely locked in stone as I haven’t had the chance to review all the stories and there might be other story material worth including.

The following book will offer a mix of both old and new. For the first time GEOFFREY ST JOHN will be the star of the book, which will open with stories from SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #61 thru 64 along with KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA issues #19 thru 21. What follows next will be an entirely new adventure set in the aftermath of the Knuckles story. Details have yet to be worked out but I have some rough ideas I think people will be interested in. 

And if people are fully invested in the MOBIAN ADVENTURE SERIES line-up at this point, I intend to keep going. I mean, what else should I do in my retirement? Just sit around?

I look forward to hearing from everyone what they think of the plan. Take care in the meantime.