I know I said I posted the last sneak preview, but it’s been taking me a bit longer than I thought to complete these last few pages. Mainly, I keep shooting for the moon and striving to keep improving and adding detail as I go along.
Take the scene shown above which is from the flashback sequence. It’s a moment that was actually depicted in a chapter of MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER, but in the context of the flashback sequence is a necessary moment. Not to cast any negative aspersions on the original version, but lifting it “as is” for insertion into the new sequence wouldn’t have worked, thus the necessity of me spending time working on a version that does.
I’m putting the same effort into each and every illustration on every page. More than that, as I go along, I’m having to make corrections to keep everything as consistent as humanly possible while still working to wrap up work on the project. If you notice, the chair Lara-Su is sitting on is different from what was originally depicted as I opted to depict furniture that accounted for the ergonomics of Echyd’nya tails as opposed to human-based designs. So there’s world building going on even in the smallest details.
The biggest motivating factor for all the extra work as been the reaction I’m receiving not just from the THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS pre-orders, or people ordering other Lara-Su items, but from the people sending email stating how much they’re looking forward to the book’s release and seeing the story continue. More than that, the expression of love for the original stories and the excitement of seeing my characters again in new material has been extremely gratifying for me. The support of the team assisting me with the translations and app programming has been consistent and much appreciated.
I didn’t do a Kickstarter primarily because I wanted to use a different model, one that supported my effort to do THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES as a digital app release as well as a series of graphic novels as opposed to comic books. I’m now receiving orders from over 30 states plus the District of Columbia as well as 5 countries outside the continental USA.
It’s taken me a bit longer than I anticipated, but everyone who has emailed me or ordered has made it clear how much this project matters to them. (Some have even ordered multiple copies much to my surprise.)
I will be including a personalized Thank you note with each order as my expression of gratitude to each individual who ordered. Being able to pull this effort off in the manner I always envisioned wouldn’t have been possible without their support.
It’s back to the drawing board for me, but my thoughts will be with those who made it possible. Thank you and take care.
I remember this scene! It makes sense to draw a new version of it that fits the visual style of the rest of The Lara-Su Chronicles more organically, and I doubt Steven Butler would be offended. 🙂
Keeping you and the rest of the team in my thoughts as you get The Lara-Su Chronicles: Beginnings to the finish line!
It always does the heart good to see this mother-daughter duo interacting. Julie-Su makes a great mom
Sorry, who’s the Knucklish looking grandmoth- Wait, is that supposed to be Lara-Su????? Why is she looking like Knucklish grandmother???!!!
The older one is Julie-Su. The younger one is Lara-Su. The panel is an adaptation of the panel Steven Butler illustrated in SONIC issue 133, and the clothing depicted is what Steven came up with, not what I would have chosen. That said, I remained faithful to the original version as the scene is part of a flashback. As faithful as I wanted to remain to certain events from M25YL, there were a couple of instances I had to make a change because what may have worked then doesn’t work now.
I always like the mother daughter thing. I always hope my parents would think those things too.
Burning the midnight oil? I’ll have to look up that phrase or saying.
It’s nice to see how things are coming along.
That’s nice you have a lot of inspiration right now.
I looked up burning the midnight oil. Oh so it means you stayed up late working on the book. Got it.