This Is How I Honestly Feel On This Issue

I used to be willing to meet gun owners halfway but not anymore. I have grandchildren, including a grandson who started 1st Grade this week. If it’s a choice between someone’s right to own a gun or ensuring my grandchildren won’t be killed in their classroom, it’s not even a contest.

Fuck the 2nd Amendment.

12 Replies to “This Is How I Honestly Feel On This Issue”

  1. It’s so sad these school shootings. I can relate to school shooters being bullied to death because I was. There was a lot of ignorance about autism there.
    In fact I did public speaking there about autism years later.
    It was chilling to go back to a place full of pain and confusion.
    I dropped out because the bullying was so bad and the people there wanted nothing to do with me. I cried every day until taken out.
    But killing is never right. Making others suffer isn’t right.Why just spread negative energy.
    It does no good and heals nothing.
    I was called “Gay” just like this school shooter was even though I wasn’t.
    Yes I don’t like guns. I was glad my father never taught me how to use one.
    I agree with you Ken completely. I don’t understand war or violence at all.

    1. I have been bullied to my brother is a gun owner and my dad is knife owner but never once took up either one of their weapons and never killed anyone. I was called gay as well even though I not gay but people thought I was gay all because I never had crush on any girls or never dated any girls.

    1. I know a few people who were bullied that own guns but they never shot or killed anyone. It all comes down to the type of person they are what they have in their hearts.

  2. My brother is a guy owner and few other members of my family own guns but they never shot or killed anyone. Gun owners aren’t the problem it when they end up in the hands of criminals that when you should be worried. Only criminals go around shooting other people.

  3. Sorry I meant my brother is gun owner not guy owner to bad the website doesn’t let you go back and edit your comments to fix them.

  4. I like what you had to say James. It’s good not feeling so alone in being bullied. What you said was helpful. I admit at the time in school, I didn’t know how to date.
    It’s a relief there are thoughtful responsible gun owners out there like yourself.

    1. Well thank glad that I was helpful yes there are thoughtful responsible gun owners out there and have also get gun owners who are responsible or thoughtful so have met both types of gun owners responsible and irresponsible ones.

    2. Your welcome glad that could be helpful also thanks for understanding. Not only was I bullied in school for being single and people just assumed that meant I was gay people still give me a hard time about me being a single adult asking why I haven’t fallen in love yet.

  5. Your welcome glad that could be helpful also thanks for understanding. Not only was I bullied in school for being single and people just assumed that meant I was gay people still give me a hard time about me being a single adult asking why I haven’t fallen in love yet.

  6. Yes I understand. My friends think I need a man but it’s hard to find the right person sometimes. Especially one who has the same things in common. Also relationships can be complicated.
    I’ve had male friends here and there but none I’ve felt it was right to date.
    I thought of my father when you described a responsible gun owner. He came to mind.
    He has just shot clay pigeons at a gun range. Just target practice.
    I suppose no different than me trying archery. Both potential weapons but only used to test skill if one can hit the target and nothing else thank goodness.

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