About an hour ago, I received an envelope containing the proof copy of every page of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS. Upon opening it up and poring through the pages, I can’t convey how thrilled and happy I was with the finished results. Whatever colors you see in the photos of this blog entry, I can assure you they don’t come close to richness and vibrancy of seeing these pages along with the rest of the book in person.

I’ve selected a few of the pages to convey just what awaits anyone looking forward to this book. If you’ve read MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER during its original run in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues 131 thru 144 or it’s reprinting of selected chapters in the SONIC SUPER SPECIAL magazine issue 4, you haven’t truly experienced until you see the complete run collected together in this book.

I took a few quick pics on my iPhone, uploaded to my computer and just did a quick tweak and crop job as I have a few other things to take care, so I can’t emphasize enough the brightness of the colors as well as the high quality of the paper stock.
Once people absorb the original run of M25YL, I do an introduction into the new material, and the adventure takes off from there, reintroducing readers to some of their old favorite characters as well as introducing new members to the saga.

Once readers take in THE STORM and the opening chapter of SHATTERED TOMORROWS, the DATA FILES present in-depth info of several of the main characters. After the chapters of SHATTERED TOMORROWS premiere on THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES app, they’ll be collected in a hardcover volume similar to BEGINNINGS, along with updated and new DATA FILES.

I did a print run of 2000 copies, and just over 200 copies are now spoken for. I’m still taking pre-orders right up to the opening night of the San Diego Comic-Con, during which time one can only acquire a copy from me during the convention.
Following San Diego, I’m hoping to appear at conventions in Toronto, San Francisco and Mega-Con in Miami. New York, Boston, Chicago and Cleveland are also on my list.
If this print run sells out, I plan on making a couple of small changes to differentiate the 2nd printing from the first. I know what one of those changes will be already but still debating what the others will be.
I’m very confident people who have followed these characters all these years will want this book on their shelves as part of their collection. But that’s for the buyers to decide, and I’m really looking forward to what people have to say once they see this in person.
It was the fans who made this possible, and I can’t say thank you enough. Take a bow, everyone. I hope I did you proud. Take care.
It’s so cool even to just see your pictures of the pages here, so I can’t imagine how thrilled I’ll be once the book is in my hands!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you’ve been putting in, I know the end result is gonna be amazing <3
Great update, I’m so excited to see it for myself in person! The Lara-Su Chronicles: Beginnings is one of my most-anticipated releases this year, and that I’m about 2 months away from receiving my copy has yet to fully sink in.
I look forward to re-reading M25YL out loud and in-character with Cluster, as well as reading The Storm and the opening chapter of The Lara-Su Chronicles: Shattered Tomorrows the same way, since it was your Knuckles stories that really made that couple activity of ours become more meaningful to us than just a way to pass the time.
I’ll definitely have more to say once I have my copy, so I’ll leave it at that. 🙂 Thanks for all your hard work and for caring so much about giving something worthwhile to those who follow your stories. ❤
Appreciate the no doubt thousands of hours that have gone into this just to create something special for your fans. These pages look just wonderful
Looks good. I’m interested where the M25yl story goes from here.
I think mom ordered the book awhile ago.
This would be a sequel or continuation to the M25yl story right?
I’m not sure if understood what I read correctly. I struggle reading and understanding any text, not just yours.
The story is indeed a continuation of events from MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER, but don’t be surprised if other plotlines make their way in somewhere down the road.
Oh thanks for clarifying. It helps to have things explained sometimes.
Not sure if it is in the cards, but it would be awesome if you were to come to Heroes Con in Charlotte sometime!
Never say never. If opportunity presents itself, that is a convention I would attend. Right now, I’m figuring out who will have me this year once I have copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS in hand. As Boston is in June, I wouldn’t have copies on hand for that one, and I have strong reasons wanting to attend that one.