I received the proof copy of the cover art from the printer this afternoon. Of all the many aspects of this project I was most concerned about, this was it. This is what will initially sell the book more than anything else. This is not to downplay the content inside on any level, but this is what people will see when they receive their copy in the mail or displayed on my table at a comic convention.

The back cover is actually a very glossy pure white, but I couldn’t take a picture without the glare washing out some of the details, nor could I do a scan without the distracting shadows.

The binding looks great and stands out very nicely when placed on a bookshelf.

If you think this looks great, what until you see the interior pages, especially the new material. Yes, it’s taken me a long time to get to this point, but this is only the beginning.
This book is not print on demand by any stretch. Once I receive the copies I ordered, the pre-orders will be sent out and whatever I have left will be sold through convention appearances and mail order on my website. Comic shop owners are welcome to contact me to discuss ordering copies for their stores via email.
If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? I’m still wrapping up work on the last few pages as a result of the level of detail I’m adding to the story and art. While I’m doing so, I can still add names of those who do order a copy to the SPECIAL THANKS page.
Yeah, I know I said mid-January I was shutting down adding names, but I hadn’t anticipated my perfectionist nature kicking in the way it has. I used to pencil a page a day working 12 to 14 hours a day, and here I am penciling, coloring and lettering as rapidly as I can as I work 14 to 16 hour days to get this done. With each page, I keep adding even more levels of detail to the overall design.
So please forgive me for sounding like a commercial. I’d love to post a sample of the completed pages, but I don’t want to spoil the surprises awaiting everyone. Those who enjoyed my work previously, this is my best effort yet. Check it out!
Very cool to see how the physical book will appear. And also a reminder that I really need to figure out a proper place of honor for it in my home!
Best of luck in this final stretch, Ken.
I look forward to hearing from everyone who ordered a copy, whether it’s compliments or criticisms. I’m encouraged by reactions to material released so far.
It does my heart so good to see your passion for this project still very much alive. 🙂 Very happy to hear how much you’re putting into this to make sure it’s the best it can be!
Seeing how the book will look on the outside makes it feel all the more real, too! Looking forward to having the book in my hands!
My mom ordered it. It will be good to read it. I bet it feels good to get all that work done.
Good afternoon Ken
I’m really looking forward to the book, will you be shipping to the UK?
If you order a copy, when you go to the CART, click on CHANGE ADDRESS and you’ll find the UK is one of the countries I ship to. You can select First Class or Priority shipping. I recommend Priority but that’s your call. I already have a number of orders from the UK already, but you should place yours soon if you want to see your name listed on the SPECIAL THANKS page. Take care in the meantime.