The song NOW AND THEN has stuck with me ever since its release, representing the official end of The Beatles song catalog. Very few acts ever get a chance to close the book on the sum total of their work.
I think one of the reasons the song persists in my head – beyond my enjoyment of it on various levels – is that one of the items I’ve been bothered over the years is I never really got the chance to close the book on the work I did for the Archie SONIC series. Specifically, I never got to close the book properly with KNUCKLES.
Some say the story AFTERLIFE was closing the book, but it didn’t. Not really.
Recently, while looking through my art files for various pieces, including unseen layouts and script pages to add as features to the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS volumes I’m putting together for release, I came across the script and page layouts to the one story that would close the book on my tenure with the Knuckles character: KNUCKLES TWENTY YEARS LATER.
As you can see by the layout of page 1, I wasn’t pulling any punches with this one. I open with Julie-Su learning she’s pregnant with Knuckles’s baby. At the time this page was written and laid out, I had depicted Julie-Su riding on a Streaking Pasha, and I wanted to retain that element as part of her character. It also lent a feeling that not everything operated on hi-tech in the society.
The story as originally written was also much darker, a SONIC equivalent of the film THE DARK KNIGHT, if you will.
Interestingly, the version of Robotnik seen in this story was the giant robot version seen in Chapter 3 of the SONIC LIVE! SPECIAL. What surprised me even more – and I had forgotten about all of this when creating THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES – was the sequence where Knuckles is conversing with his version of Alfred as he’s trying to figure out and understand what Robotnik’s endgame is. The Alfred character, whose name is Isaac in this story, essentially replies “Some men just want to see the world burn.”
Considering this story was written in 1999 and originally slated for publication in SONIC SUPER SPECIAL issue 9 – and I have proof – I bring this up because when I read what I wrote back in the day, my immediate reaction was I’m going to hear a lot of complaints I ripped off THE DARK KNIGHT. Sorry, but no. I wrote it first and I’m leaving that conversation in.
As I read the script, I couldn’t help but notice which elements of the story I kept and those I didn’t over the years, evolving from K20YL to M25YL to finally THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES. The main reason for the changes was that Sonic Editor Justin Gabrie wanted me to use Sonic in the story in exchange for writer Karl Bollers being able to use Knuckles in the present day Sonic stories.
The important part is that KNUCKLES TWENTY YEARS LATER represents the last KNUCKLES story I created and was paid for. While it’s new in the sense it never saw publication due to the cancellation of the SONIC SUPER SPECIAL series, it’s still part of the body of work I created and submitted for publication.
As a result, the inclusion of KNUCKLES TWENTY YEARS LATER in the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS set will mark the closure of my work on the KNUCKLES series I created and developed as a vehicle for Knuckles, his friends and family, his enemies and all his adventures. I couldn’t ask for more. I hope the readers will enjoy it once it sees print sometime by 2027 by my estimation.
I used to be willing to meet gun owners halfway but not anymore. I have grandchildren, including a grandson who started 1st Grade this week. If it’s a choice between someone’s right to own a gun or ensuring my grandchildren won’t be killed in their classroom, it’s not even a contest.
George Lucas famously got himself into trouble with STAR WARS fandom when he changed two of most famous moments of the original film, which was retitled A NEW HOPE in the altered version.
Of the two moments that infuriated fandom, Leia kissing Luke on the cheek instead of the lips ranks a distant second to his infamous decision resulting in his most egregious editorial change, resulting in Han not shooting Greedo first, which fandom has yet to forgive him for.
I bring this up because I found the initial reaction to the recoloring of pages from the story THIS ISLAND HEDGEHOG, in which Sonic meets Knuckles for the very first time, to be most fascinating.
Over the decades I’ve followed media franchises as a fan, I thought Gene Roddenberry’s decision to upgrade the look of the Klingons in STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE to be one of those “but of course” decisions. He now had the budget and time to present the Klingons as the alien race they were as opposed to some offshoot of humanity. It made sense. And fandom as a whole appreciated it. (Killing Spock, however, proved to be a bridge too far that fandom was not going to tolerate.)
When Paramount upgraded the original classic STAR TREK episodes with new state-of-the-art CGI VFX, this was yet again another decision that was a no-brainer. It made the episodes more accessible for a younger generation while original fans like myself could imagine Gene Roddenberry wishing he had access to the tech that made the FX possible.
So as I read the reactions to the recoloring of THIS ISLAND HEDGEHOG, I found myself thinking about the early days when Mike Kanterovich and I were crafting the story pitches and scripts, when we had no idea there would even be a next issue, or if there was, if we would still be working on the book. Everything looks better in hindsight, but when you’re actually living through events, you have no idea how everything will all play out.
Which brings me to Edmund and Dmitri, the pivotal characters in the formation of the Brotherhood of the Guardians and The Dark Legion.
At the time Mike and I were writing the stories that lead into the SONIC’S FRIENDLY NEMESIS KNUCKLES mini-series, we were working on an issue-by-issue basis. The Dark Legion wouldn’t even exist as a concept until I had to come-up with an idea for a follow-up Knuckles mini-series.
Thus, when we worked out the plot for “A SENSE OF HISTORY Part II” that was published in SONIC issue 35, we saw Edmund and Dmitri as a version of Cain and Abel from the Bible, making the relationship that much more tragic. When it came to naming them, Mike insisted on calling them Edmund and Dmitri. When I asked his reasoning for selecting those names, he replied, “They’re twin brothers on my favorite soap opera ALL MY CHILDREN.”
Considering everything else I had already contributed to the story, I was not about to say no to Mike on this matter. I also never considered what a headache establishing Edmund and Dmitri as brothers would create for me down the road.
Which brings me to the actual purpose of retelling this bit of Knuckles’s history.
I’ve taken a lot of grief over the years about the nature of Knuckles’s relationship with Julie-Su and how some readers consider that it borders on incestuous. If you look up at the page displayed at the beginning of this article, you’ll notice all I need do is change the word “our” at the start of Panel 1 to “my”, and the word “brother” that’s also used in Panel 1 to either “cousin” or “friend”, and suddenly the relationship can not be interpreted incestuous in any way, shape or form.
Two little words creating significant impact.
I’m very much inclined to make this change, but I’d like to hear from the readers before I do.
So what do you say? You can email me your thoughts and I promise to read every one. Thanks and take care.
I know there are some people who feel I post things just to piss them off specifically or troll them in general, but that’s really not the case. I post either to inform or seek out commentary to guide in my decision-making process where my projects are concerned. I mean, if I’m going to invest time and money in a project I’m working on, I want to have some idea the effort will be worth it at the end of the day.
Case in point is the KEN PENDERS’ KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME 1 project that’s one of three projects I’m moving forward on at this time.
I recently posted two of the pages my colorist Ethan had finished to gauge what the general reaction was. Before I say anything more, I want to make it clear I was originally inclined to go with the original coloring used on the story THIS ISLAND HEDGEHOG, but after the release of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS, I was receiving a lot of requests about future reprint plans of previously published material.
The people contacting me stated for the most part that the coloring and editorial changes made to the stories for the SONIC and KNUCKLES ARCHIVES and other reprint collections didn’t exactly float their boat, and were pushing for something better.
When Ethan submitted his samples while expressing an interest in taking on the task of recoloring the stories, I was impressed with his approach, making the coloring match as close to the original games as possible. I was also intrigued, because on the one hand, people were contacting me to be absolutely faithful to the original color version, whereas on the other hand, some people were making out the final printed version in SONIC issue 13 to be the work of art it never really was.
A bit of back story is necessary here. Prior to the writing of the story THIS ISLAND HEDGEHOG, my then-partner Mike Kanterovich and I had already submitted a number of story pitches to Paul Castiglia, who was the Archie Editor designated at the time to deal with the writers of the SONIC stories. Paul gave us the go-ahead to turn in complete scripts for 3 stories, all of which represented the complete contents for SONIC issue 11. Once the scripts for those stories were faxed to Paul, he requested we do an adaptation of the new SONIC 3 game featuring a new character named Knuckles.
As we were writing the story, Paul was replaced by Scott Fulop, who was charged with being the new editor of the SONIC series. While Paul handled the writers, Archie Comics Editor-In-Chief Victor Gorelick dealt with the artists. Victor was never comfortable editing SONIC, so with Scott’s hiring, Paul became the odd man out while Scott was figuring out the direction he wanted to take the book in.
Since there were no inventory stories to help ease the deadline crush, Scott had to run with what he had, which meant THIS ISLAND HEDGEHOG didn’t receive the care and attention later stories would receive. As the story progressed from writing to penciling to lettering to inking and finally to coloring, it wasn’t until the story was set up on the printing press that SEGA decided the story needed to be pulled.
At that point, Scott informed SEGA he would have to pull both the cover and the story off the printing press, thereby incurring a cancellation charge as well as late fees. On top of that, release of the issue would be delayed by two to three works as Scott would’ve had to commission a new story to replace the one on the presses.
Realizing the cost of pulling the story outweighed simply letting it run, SEGA capitulated and the story was published.
From my perspective, there were numerous flaws with the story, chief among them the coloring as well as artist Dave Manak not correcting my mistakes in the layouts, to say nothing of inker Jon D’Agostino’s approach to the inks. But you get what you paid for. Colorist Barry Grossman was as professional as they come, but he was only getting $20 a page for coloring, and Archie was more interested in volume, not quality. Barry was never supplied with the proper reference to go by for coloring the SONIC stories. Likewise, Jon D’Agostino was content receiving $55 a page inking Dan DeCarlo’s Archie pages, but balked when asked to take on SONIC for the same page rate. Even with the extra $20 per page he received, Jon was a journeyman who simply cranked out to meet a page count for the bottom line on his paycheck.
When reviewing the pages with Ethan, he pointed out the corrections he felt needed to be made, and as you can see in the corrected page 11 displayed above, I approved Ethan removing the foliage in the background in the panels where it was clear our heroes were inside Robotnik’s ship instead of outside in the jungle.
Ethan’s samples also were rendered to establish further continuity with the games, including making Tails appear more like his game self. While I had no issue with the change, my app programmer Patrick pointed out as much as he liked Ethan’s coloring and some of the changes he made for the sake of consistency with the games, including Tails design, he hated the idea of losing Dave Manak’s approach and asked me to at least restore Dave’s interpretation of Tails.
After Patrick expressed his sentiments, I knew a much broader reaction was called for, and so I posted two of the pages featuring Ethan’s recoloring to gauge the general reaction. What I came away with was the following:
Overall, the reaction to Ethan’s work was overwhelmingly positive. If I was surprised by anything, it was the greater appreciation of artist Dave Manak’s work that resulted from the recoloring. Going forward, as Ethan was already 2/3rds of the way recoloring PANIC IN THE SKY, I told him to continue doing what he had been doing, especially with regards to Tails, but commencing with all the stories following, he was not to make any changes to any penciler & inker’s work unless he had my prior approval.
With regards to those who want to see the stories with their original coloring, THIS ISLAND HEDGEHOG will feature its original coloring with no changes when it sees print eventually in SONIC OMNIBUS VOLUME 1. (And no, I’m not saying anything more about this because that book is at least two to four years away from seeing print.)
The main changes going forward will be evident with the cover art, featuring the removal of all Archie-related trade dress. The KNUCKLES covers especially will only feature the KNUCKLES LOGO when printed individually. That said, as a special feature, I’m looking to see the covers of KNUCKLES THE DARK LEGION 1, 2 & 3 collected as one image and printed as a foldout with the logos. The same applies to the covers of KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA issues 4, 5 & 6.
Lest anyone expect everything in the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS to be recolored to the extent displayed in the current samples, based on the timeline set for this project, that’s simply not possible.
Right now, I’m working on the book layout, figuring out how many pages I need for the additional material that will be included in the book so I can provide a page count to the printer so we can begin to work on the specifics including shipping and pricing. I anticipate if all goes well that pre-orders for the book will begin sometime mid-to-late September.
The book itself has 20 weeks starting now to get into shape to ship for the printer, as we’re looking to turn over the final digital files to the printer by mid-January with an eye to having copies on hand available for Wonder Con 2025 in late March and throughout the convention season.
While everyone who orders a copy of KNUCKLES OMNIBUS will have the ability to select which version they wish to order, I will be reminding people of one condition required to be in the running for a copy of this cover version:
As there will only be 100 copies featuring the above-displayed cover, it will be sold on a 1st come-1st served basis only to those who previously purchased a copy of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS. If someone orders this and is not on the list of previous buyers, their money will be refunded.
I feel this is the fairest way to handle the limited availability situation considering the amount of people who have already purchased BEGINNINGS.
Also, anyone wanting a signed copy can purchase a signed bookplate they can then place inside their book once they receive their copy. The only other way to obtain a signed copy will be by purchasing the book at one of my convention appearances.
This book will be the first time I supply a Certificate of Authenticity with a Mobian Line publication.
In addition, I am also working to get THE LARA-SU APP ready for release sometime later this year, which will include additional pages from SHATTERED TOMORROWS as well as at least 2 or 3 new Data files.
Once the app and KNUCKLES OMNIBUS are released, my focus will be solely on completing SHATTERED TOMORROWS for release sometime late 2025 or early 2026 at the latest.
As usual, if anyone has questions regarding something I didn’t address in this post, feel free to email me. Thanks for all your support and take care in the meantime.
These days – more often than not – I feel like a car salesman or a telethon host, pitching a product to sell or looking for a few dollars of support. But the honest truth is, if I don’t engage with the hustle, it becomes a matter of being out of sight, out of mind.
I’m in my own corner of the ‘net, trying to keep the whole operation going, otherwise producing more stories and art falls into the category of being a hobby that I’ll get around to when I can as opposed to an actual business looking to release an app, the next book, the latest chapter, a new print, whatever.
At the moment, there’s other people involved that I’m also doing my best for their efforts.
So far, I haven’t had to engage in doing a Kickstarter or a Go Fund Me effort. Nor have I resorted to selling on Amazon or trying to get a distributor like Diamond to place my books and other items in the stores. The reason for that is the people who enjoy my work have been all I need to keep going, and I’d like to keep it that way.
I like personally engaging with the people buying my books and art. I read all their notes and words of support. I generally respond with a word of appreciation or an answer to a question.
So if I sell just a book or two – or a book and a couple of prints or back issues – every day of the month, that sum total accumulated every month makes it possible to move forward and plan for the long term, not to mention take care of current expenses that crop up.
When I was looking to print BEGINNINGS, I had to put down over $2500.00 as a down payment to cover the cost of the paper which enabled me to lock in the cover price of the book. That money came from pre-orders and other sales from my website store, because I had no book yet to sell, but I needed the support throughout to ensure the book made it to the finish line.
So here’s the reason I am acting like a car salesman or a telethon host:
If I sell those couple of copies of BEGINNINGS, or a copy of BEGINNINGS and a couple of prints, or the equivalent of anything else I post on my website store every day, it helps with getting the app released and starting the fund to put down a deposit on the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS until I’m ready to go with the pre-orders.
The OMNIBUS is going to cost a lot more to produce than BEGINNINGS. It’s going to cost more to ship from the printer to my place here in Los Angeles, and it’s going to cost a few dollars to store because of the size and quantity being delivered.
So if you’ve been thinking of buying something from my web store, sooner rather than later makes it easier for me to deliver the product. As anyone who buys from me can attest, I offer fast, convenient service and haven’t disappointed anyone yet. It’s a track record I’m proud of and strive hard to maintain.
Thanks for checking this out. If you’ve got the extra bucks, I appreciate the support. If you don’t, take care of yourself first. I’ll still be around one way or the other. Take care.
While I’m gratified by the reception THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS has been receiving since it’s release, and very encouraged by the enthusiasm KEN PENDERS’S KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME ONE has received since I announced the project, there’s still a lot to get done on both before they become a reality.
Currently, I’m working with Patrick, my app programmer, organizing what remains to be done in getting THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES APP completed and released.
At this time, I’m working on completing the art on the pages I took short cuts on so I could get my book THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS to the printers in time for me to have something to release at this past Comic-Con. I’m also working on elements of the text that need to be updated and/or corrected.
Beyond the work that needs to be done, there’s new material that’s going to be included with the app release. That new material includes at least 5 additional pages of the SHATTERED TOMORROWS storyline as well as an additional character added to the Data Files beyond the 6 characters already featured in BEGINNINGS. And I haven’t even mentioned updating the SPECIAL THANKS section or the Art Gallery section.
While all this is getting done, I’m supervising the recoloring of the Knuckles story pages for the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS as well as designing and illustrating Cover B that most people will receive with the copy they order.
In case people haven’t gotten the memo, the cover art shown above is a prototype for the Variant cover for the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS that only the first 100 buyers will receive. In order to be fair to everyone, only those who have purchased a copy of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS will receive an emailed notice alerting them when the pre-orders will begin. Only those with a confirmed email address on my end will have their orders accepted.
Those of you who haven’t yet ordered your copy of BEGINNINGS should do so if you wish to qualify for inclusion to the Variant cover offer. As with everything else, this is a first come-first served deal.
I’ll have further updates as events develop. As usual, feel free to email me with your questions and/or concerns. Thanks for taking the time to check this out and take care.
It’s now four days since the San Diego Comic-Con has ended. During the time since the convention started until the show finally closed on Sunday at 5:00pm has been nothing but a whirlwind of activity and interaction with numerous individuals on multiple levels. While so much has gone better than expected, there was still second-guessing on my part over some decisions made, the key one of which was the decision to move from Artists Alley to the Small Press section.
On the plus side, there was definitely more space to spread out and display my art and books, not to mention more space for Bernie and myself to conduct business. On the minus side, I was listed in the con programming as being in Artists Alley at Table II-24 instead of my new location in Small Press at Table O-01, so that made it difficult for people to find me. Still, having experienced life in the Small Press section, the pluses outweigh the minuses. When I was purchasing some acrylic paints from a vendor located next to Artists Alley, the sight of everyone so crammed in next to each other along with their prints and original art made me grateful for spending the extra money for the new spot.
Also on the plus side, people did make the effort to find me. Even better, they made the effort because they wanted to acquire my new book THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS. The numbers don’t lie. The book generated more than two-thirds of my sales during the convention.
A comparison with my convention sales from 2022 and 2023 shows the majority of my sales came from selling copies of SONIC ARCHIVES, SONIC SELECT volumes, copies of BEST OF SONIC and SONIC LEGACY, aided by sales of original art and prints featuring Sonic, Knuckles & Lara-Su along with Lara-Su T-shirts and patches.
I didn’t bring most of the items I did to previous conventions for a number of reasons. With regards to the SONIC reprint collections, I’m sold out of a number of items and getting close to selling out on the rest. With regards to SONIC back issues, I decided to bring what I didn’t use for the Lara-Su book promotion and sell at a uniform cost – $10 per book – to avoid getting into hassles over the issue of collectibility and grading. What I did bring – original art, prints, assorted Lara-Su items – made up the rest of the sales on top of what the Lara-Su BEGINNINGS book sold. With the exception of original art, everything sold to some degree. Usually one or two individuals spring for a big ticket item such as original art every convention, but that didn’t happen this year. The closest was the one commission I did on the Thursday of the convention.
This definitely was a transitional year for me. While people stopped by because of my association with and the work I did on the SONIC comic series and related projects, they definitely showed their support for THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES, whether they bought something or not. (Hard to buy an app when it hasn’t been released, and more than a few made it clear they’re waiting on the app.)
The sentiment why the stories I wrote still resonate to this day is that I respected the readers and didn’t dumb things down simply because the majority of the readers were children, and now they wanted to share those stories with their kids, or wanted to simply see the story continue in one form or another.
At this point, thanks to the convention, I’ve sold close to a third of the copies I’ve printed with orders coming in every day. I haven’t decided yet what I’ve do once I sell out, but that’s a decision to be made at a later time.
In addition to meeting with the people at the convention, I also met with Almond Ko, the man who sought me out years ago to entrust his company with the printing of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS.
True to his word, his people delivered spectacular results, the proof of which is the reaction I’ve been hearing from everyone who’s purchased a copy or even simply checked out the contents.
While enjoying a delicious meal at the Water Grill restaurant in downtown San Diego’s Gaslamp Village, we discussed working together on future projects such as KEN PENDERS’ KNUCKLES OMNIBUS Vol. 1 and other projects from the Floating Island Productions MOBIAN LINE.
It was Almond who suggested printing a Variant cover for the first 100 copies as an incentive for the early pre-orders.
So the image you’re looking at is under consideration for the Variant edition. I’ll have Cover B ready for viewing before I go live with the pre-orders so I have some idea what to base my final decision on.
We also discussed presenting the 3-cover format as a 1-image fold-out, which he said was doable, as well as sending us blank prototypes from which to base the decision on the final format before going to press. Our concern is weight for shipping purposes as well as cost. We don’t want to limit our audience, but we also want to grow as a company organically, rather than shooting for the moon all at once.
I also met with Andrew Pepoy, who had a table a couple of aisles down from me. He confirmed what I’ve been hearing from many freelance creators concerning the subject of royalties. Most of the publishers, and that includes Archie & IDW, are not paying anything when it comes to reprints. Todd McFarlane’s toy company just released a CAPTAIN CARROT action figure, which Scott Shaw! hasn’t seen a dime from, let alone even a hint of any potential royalties. Not even a box of complimentary figures.
Overall, Bernie and I had a great time, enjoyed meeting with everyone who stopped by, and look forward to appearing at upcoming conventions elsewhere.
A couple of quick notes before I sign off for the moment:
The cost of shipping THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS here in the states is going up an additional $2.00 starting Sunday, August 10.
The cost of shipping book rate is not worth the cost from my perspective, which shipping via Priority Flat Rate has proven to be an overwhelming success in getting the books to the customers in a timely manner with the books arriving in the condition expected upon arrival. I’ve had only 1 book per hundred sold where I had to take additional action to ensure delivery to the buyer, resulting in everyone receiving the copy they ordered.
Overseas shipments – including Canada and Mexico – will be going up an additional $3.00 on September 1, 2024. I’m happy to report everyone has received their copies outside the USA, and I’d like to keep my track record going strong.
I will be adding more items to my store page, including the new prints I unveiled for sale at Comic-Con.
I’m also trying to figure out how I’ll present later this month an advance peek at the next chapter of SHATTERED TOMORROWS without spoiling anything for those who haven’t had a chance to read BEGINNINGS yet.
As usual, if anyone has any questions or comments, send them to me at my email address. I do read everything and try to respond when I can or need to. Take care until next time.
Originally, I was scheduled to be situated at Table II-24 in Artists Alley, located in Hall G, but through dumb luck and incredible timing, I can now be found at Table O-01 in the Small Press section located towards the rear of Hall B.
Above is the 5ft by 6ft banner that will be displayed behind my table, so that people will have an easier time finding me.
Obviously, the focus will be on selling copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS. While people can purchase the book for the cover price of $35.99 plus CA sales tax, due to costs of appearing at Comic-Con, I’ve added a couple of options to help defray those costs.
Other options include $50 for the book and my signature (personalization optional at no extra charge) which includes CA sales tax. The 3rd option is $75 which includes a hand-drawn sketch of Lara-Su (sample shown below), as well as both items autographed. Price also includes CA sales tax.
I’ll also have available the following new prints offered for the 1st time:
Sonic’s Cast of Characters, available for $40 which includes CA sales tax
Along with this print featuring Shadow for $35, which includes signature and CA sales tax.
Then there are the Unit patches and Lara-Su T-shirts.
1 patch is $10, 2 are $16, 3 are $21 and all 4 are $25. T-Shirts are $30 available in various adult & child sizes.
The reason I’m stressing the CA sales tax is due to new business realities. I live in CA, the event is taking place in CA, and CA residents are paying CA sales tax already when they buy a copy of BEGINNINGS through my website. That’s money that I have to report. Considering I use Square payment as my platform of transacting business at the convention, there’s no choice in the matter when it comes to collecting sales tax and reporting it. I’m actually in the process of incorporating Floating Island Productions, so this all a big step for me.
In addition, I’ll also have a selection of original art, other prints and a number of back issues, most of which I never worked on. The reason for this is when I added random SONIC or KNUCKLES issues to the pre-order packages, that meant I still had a lot of issues I hadn’t worked on, so I’m making these available in my SONIC $10 BOX for people to pick through.
To make it easy for people to find me, I’ve included the map above showing I’ll be located in the SMALL PRESS area in HALL B at Table O-01 between aisles 1800 and 1700 in the rear section.
If anyone has any questions after this, please email me and I’ll try to respond as best as I can these days. Thanks and take care.
It’s been a little more than a week since the first copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS were packaged and taken to the Post Office for shipping to their intended recipient. And while that was going on, more orders started to roll in, people began receiving their copies, and the emails started arriving at my In-box full of compliments and plenty of questions regarding what’s next.
People even began sharing pictures of the contents of the packages they received, resulting in more inquiries sent my way. When’s the LARA-SU APP coming out, many wondered. (NOTE TO EVERYONE: it’s being worked on with a release date to be announced for sometime later this year.)
It’s taken me a long time to get here, but one only gets one chance to make a great first impression, and I was determined to get this right. And by all accounts, I succeeded. So much so, this one book is about to be the catalyst for more than a few future releases under the FLOATING ISLAND PRODUCTIONS MOBIAN LINE banner.
It’s necessary to take stock at this moment, because THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES could’ve fallen flat out of the gate. I could’ve misread a number of items. In the end, though, everyone who supported this project confirmed what I believed deep down.
Contrary to the naysayers, there was an audience for this project. More than that, the audience showed they could get behind a good story even if it didn’t feature Sonic and /or Knuckles. The audience also showed a genuine affection for the characters who weren’t Sonic and Knuckles.
Going further, the audience didn’t care that neither Archie, SEGA or IDW were releasing this project. This was support for the creator, and believe me, I can’t begin to tell you how many notes were written on the orders or the emails sent that expressed congratulations, support, and what I and my stories meant to so many of you while you were growing up. And yeah, I did get choked up reading all your kind words.
When I initially expressed my ambition to aim for a global audience instead of just restricting myself to the USA and Canada, again I was told I was aiming too high. But it turns out you guys are everywhere and that my audience really is global. Packages were sent to Canada, the UK, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, France, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, Ireland with now Austria about to come online shortly.
And when I marketed patches, T-shirts, prints and assorted other items, I was again told it was too soon, that I should instead wait until the book was released. But yet again, you guys were there to support my efforts, and sales are now so brisk I may either have to re-order more T-shirts or come up with a new design. Maybe both.
My goal initially was to get the LARA-SU APP released this summer at Comic-Con, but when a printing representative met with me at Comic-Con 2023, that set the ball rolling for the release of BEGINNINGS to take priority. No matter how many escape hatches I left for myself to pull the plug on this thing, it was you guys who made it clear you wanted this.
Now that the book is here, everyone’s asking “What’s next?”
For the past week or so, I’d been bouncing ideas off the wall while packaging up everyone’s order. The item highest on the priority list at this time is THE LARA-SU APP, which I’m moving forward with full steam ahead once I get past Comic-Con. The app will be key to releasing future segments of SHATTERED TOMORROWS until the story is complete. Then the entire story will be collected and released as a hardcover edition similar to BEGINNINGS.
But while I’m working on that, I have other people assisting with the assembly of (tentatively titled) SCOTT SHAW!’S SONIC TALES (although I’m leaning towards SCOTT SHAW!’S SONIC DAZE), a volume collecting all of Scott’s published work along with a few surprises. In addition, work is proceeding similarly on KEN PENDERS’ KNUCKLES OMNIBUS Vol. 1. I have a few ideas for the extra features, but I’d like to talk with the printer first to see what’s feasible without sending the price into the stratosphere at the same time.
All of the aforementioned projects will fall under what I call the FLOATING ISLAND PRODUCTIONS MOBIAN LINE. With the exception of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES, the projects I’ve just mentioned will collect and republish only previously published stories and art. There will be no new material beyond any special features that go into the creation of these stories originally. So whatever storylines featuring Sonic and Knuckles that were not resolved while under the Archie banner, those will stay unresolved. The only way possible moving forward on that front is if IDW wanted to come to some arrangement. But I’m not counting on it and I doubt it will ever happen.
Regarding seeing the material in other formats, that’s off the table for the foreseeable future. For one, I don’t have a staff at this time beyond those few individuals assisting me. For another, I don’t want to flood the market for a quick cash grab. I want the FIP MOBIAN LINE to represent a quality product which has stood the test of time.
Another front in which FIP will go beyond Archie, IDW and others who don’t pay creators any royalties for any work reprinted, FIP actually offers an advance against royalties before the material is even published. It may not be as much as I’d like to offer, but I hope to do better as FIP establishes itself in the marketplace.
Just to be clear, my goal remains nothing less than the complete restoration of the entire SONIC line of books published from 1992 through 2017, with the intent to make it a vehicle as something that provides for the creators who contributed by keeping the material perpetually in print.
At this time, I’m working with a number of those creators in order to get this effort off the ground. I’ll inform everyone what’s happening and who’s involved at the proper time. All I ask is patience and to not think I’m rude by not responding to any questions concerning FIP’s plans at this time. There’s still a lot to work out and I really don’t want to get ahead of myself.
Sales of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS have been brisk, if not consistent to say the least. Beyond selling the amount I expect to @Comic_Con, just the daily sales put me on track for a complete sellout of my initial order of copies by late August or early September at the absolute latest. At that time, I’ll probably resort to pre-orders once again to determine interest in figuring out how big the next print run should be.
In fact, pre-orders will be conducted for every FIP release to determine which projects see the light of day or not.
I’ve been currently working long hours to catch up so I’m no more than a day or two behind in sending out the orders as opposed to being a week or so behind. As it is, I’ve been popping into the Post Office just minutes before they close in order to carry in as many orders as I can.
Another item I’ve been getting a lot of questions concerns the subject of commissioned art. I’m currently wrapping up work on one with three people already waiting in line. To be honest, I’m not looking for the extra work as I have more than enough on my plate to keep me busy for the next year and beyond. I’d rather spend what free time I do have with my friends and family.
One item I won’t be engaging in public discussions concerns the copyrights of the material FIP plans on featuring in the new collections. The vast majority of people commenting clearly have never tried a case in court, think they know copyright law from what they see on Google or have my years of experience dealing with the subject. There is only one way any legal action will be resolved: with a settlement that benefits all parties involved. I have great representation and they would be the ones dealing with matters should they arise.
While racing to get everyone’s packages out, I’m also focusing on attending @Comic-Con. I’ll be situated at Table II-24 in Artists Alley during the entire event. Bernie will be out there assisting me throughout the event, with various friends and family stopping by as they usually do. I’ll have more to say about that later, but for now…
Thanks, everyone! You made all the effort I put into THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS very much worthwhile. It wouldn’t have been possible without your support.
Normally when someone orders a print, a T-shirt, a back issue or two, or whatever, it’s generally out the door and on its way in less than 24 hours. If the timing is right, I’ve been known to have the package ready and at the Post Office in under 12.
At the moment, as I’ve been responding to everyone who’s ordered within the past 24 hours, I’m currently filling purchases in the order they’ve been received. Ever since the shipment of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS arrived, I’ve been filling orders at a steady clip and have gotten over 80 out the door since yesterday and currently working to get more out today.
At the present rate, I estimate it’s going to take me at least a week to get all the remaining pre-ordered copies packaged and on their way.
However, ever since people started receiving their pre-ordered copies yesterday, I’ve been receiving nothing but accolades for the book. And they must be telling their friends, as I sure haven’t been doing any heavy sell since I started shipping the books this past Friday.
As a result, sales of BEGINNINGS are going absolute gangbusters. I’ve received more orders in less than 24 hours than I have in some months during the pre-sale. Which brings me to the point of this message.
For the first time since I opened my website store, it’ll be awhile before I’m able to ship anything out the door in under 24 hours. As the latest orders are coming in, the people who ordered yesterday may not see their copies ship until late next week, but the orders following them could spill into the following week.
As anyone who follows me knows, I like to be completely transparent and upfront with my audience. At the moment, I’m primarily a one-person operation that’s currently experiencing some growing pains, and I suspect that’s only going to get compounded as word of mouth spreads and more projects are in preparation for future release.
The reaction I’m receiving for BEGINNINGS has been most gratifying for which I’m truly and humbly appreciative. My only response is that I’m just getting started. Thanks for your patience and understanding in the meantime.