I’m a huge film fan with particular tastes. If the poster doesn’t appeal to me, the trailer better. And if that doesn’t do the job, the cast has the last best shot to win me over, as I don’t go by reviews.
I didn’t see the poster, but I did the trailer, and that completely sold me on spending 2 hours of my time watching the story the filmmakers had crafted into what could best be described as the TITANIC of geekdom.
It’s made clear early on that geeks, particularly STAR TREK fans (and I most definitely count myself as one of them) were inspired to spend their lives working to invent the future. The Blackberry smartphone was clearly an early attempt to invent the Starfleet Communicator the crew of the Enterprise used by people whose love for the material knew no bounds.
What the film also makes painfully, factually clear is that creative types aren’t the best business people. They’re too busy having fun creating the device, the artwork, or whatever. This lack of business acumen thus makes creatives easy prey for the business types.
Anyone who’s been around since the 90’s is aware of the Blackberry as a cautionary tale of how one technological achievement can be the biggest thing in the world at one point only to be surpassed by a greater achievement. Just like the Titanic didn’t swerve in time when the crew saw the iceberg, the developers of the Blackberry weren’t prepared to deal with the iPhone.
Despite knowing the eventual fate of the product, it turns out the journey from humble beginnings to spectacular success to a complete flameout is far more entertaining than anyone could’ve imagined.
It’s a fun ride and I highly recommend checking this out.