I just received email stating the cargo ship containing all 2000 copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS has left the dock and is now heading out to the high seas. The ship is expected to arrive at the Port of Los Angeles by June 15. Once the books clear customs and are delivered to the warehouse for storage, I’ll begin processing all the pre-orders.
The first batch of copies will be in the mail starting June 20. They will be sent Priority Mail to USA recipients, who should then be receiving their copies along with the promised promotional items within 2 to 3 days later, depending on the service in their area. Those individuals living outside the US will have their order processed in order they were received (along with everyone else) but it could take anywhere from a week to three weeks before they receive their orders. The type service required to ensure quick shipping along with tracking and insurance would’ve made the packages prohibitively expensive.
I should have all current pre-orders in the mail by no later than July 3. I will be working to have them all out sooner, but there’s only 1 of me, and I will be more concerned about accuracy than speed so I don’t send anything to the wrong address or not signed properly.
The current promotion of including a 5 x 7 Limited Edition Signed Lara-Su print plus a randomly-selected issue of either SONIC or KNUCKLES issue I worked on signed by me comes to an end on June 15. The only upcoming promotion will be held at the San Diego Comic-Con, of which details will be made available later. So for those not attending Comic-Con, I suggest getting your orders in before June 15. I fully believe once people began receiving their copies and telling all their friends how much the liked BEGINNINGS, there will be a made rush before I run out of copies.
At this time, there are no plans to reprint THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS as I will be focused on getting the LARA-SU APP ready for release as well getting production for KEN PENDERS’ KNUCKLES OMNIBUS underway. Beyond that, I will be working on more SHATTERED TOMORROWS pages, as there’s a lot of story to tell. (The current script is approx. 160 pages currently. Chances are that could increase.)
For the completists among you, I also have Lara-Su SURVIVE! T-Shirts available, Limited Edition Lara-Su 11 x17 Prints, Lanyards for you convention goers (I’m almost out and will be reordering shortly), and Unit Patches so you can identify your allegiance. (I’ve had to reorder the Royal Secret Service patches.)
Between the pre-orders and copies I’m pulling for Comic-Con, that leaves me with 1400 copies available for sale. As copies get pulled for convention appearances, that decreases the amount for store orders, so if you don’t want to miss out, sooner is better than later.
Following San Diego, I’m in the planning stages for the following cities for upcoming appearances: Toronto, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco for 2024. I’m hoping to make the scene in Miami, Chicago and Boston for 2025. I’m also up for other locations but that depends on a variety of factors. I’ll keep everyone posted on what’s happening once I work out and confirm all the details.
In the meantime, I thank everyone for their words of encouragement and support. I look forward to hearing from you with your reactions to the book. You can send your comments HERE.
I appreciate the update, and the care you’re taking in making sure everything is in order with these pre-orders! I plan to post a photo on Instagram and Bluesky once I’ve received my copy, then make a more detailed post on what I thought of The Lara-Su Chronicles: Beginnings after I’ve read and absorbed everything that happens in it with Cluster!
I’ve read Mobius: 25 Years Later multiple times, but TL-SC: Beginnings will be the first time I do so while considering how interesting it might be for any friends I have who haven’t read Archie Sonic but might be interested in jumping onboard for TL-SC. I won’t be shy in recommending it if I determine it’s relevant to the interests of anyone I know. 🙂