The above image is a snapshot of the Port of Los Angeles. While the cargo ship in the foreground isn’t the ship that brought the shipment of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS to America, it’s a visual stand-in in order to explain what the delay for receiving the copies is all about.
Up to this point, everyone involved in the production and transport of the book carried out their part without problem and on schedule. In the case of the printer, that company did outstanding work keeping everything on track and moving forward while I kept adding detail and revising material even beyond the date I was told to submit everything in order to have the books printed and shipped in time for Comic-Con.
As the books made their way across the Pacific Ocean, the Logistics company tracking my shipment – along with many other containers on that ship, I’m sure – kept me informed of the boat’s progress throughout the journey, arriving at the Port of Los Angeles on the date promised weeks ago.
As you’ll notice in the pic above, it isn’t just one boat arriving and waiting to be unloaded, there are at least 3 cargo ships in the immediate vicinity. If you look at the yard next to the harbor, you’ll notice a number of containers awaiting to be transported to their final destination. What you’re looking at is only a small fraction of the immense port and the amount of cargo being handled through the busiest port in the United States. On a global scale, the port is the 10th busiest.
THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS sits on 4 pallets in one of those containers that has been offloaded from the ship to somewhere in the yard along with all the other containers transported on the same cargo ship. At this time, yard operations is sorting all the shipments in preparation for loading onto a truck or a train for transport elsewhere.
I received email a few hours ago that stated my order was being prepared for loading onto a truck sometime later today – Wednesday, June 19th, PST – for delivery sometime on Thursday, June 20th, at the earliest but no later than Friday, June 21st.
Once I receive word the books have reached their final destination, I’ll head over to the warehouse to transport enough copies to fill all the pre-orders received thus far.
This has been a learning experience from start to finish. In the process, I’ve set up a publishing company capable of taking a project from start to finish and selling it on a global basis. This wouldn’t have been possible without having established through the years enough of a following that was invested in seeing not only where I took the story next, but that I always delivered on what I promised, especially when conducting business through the years.
BEGINNINGS isn’t just the title of a book. It’s also a promise of more to come. And I never promise what I can’t deliver on. Thanks and take care.
It really feels like it’s in the home stretch now!
Eagerly looking forward to holding the book in my hands, whenever it arrives on my end.
Thank you for all the updates you’ve been giving as things progress.
I appreciate the update – I did check more times than I care to admit yesterday, eager to hear the latest about this. I think it’s really impressive what you’ve set out to do with The Lara-Su Chronicles, in selling it with your own publishing company and bringing it to readers across the globe, and I know you’ll see it through. 🙂
Wow. This is all quite a long process of printing books. I never would’ve thought cargo boats would be involved. But then again,I don’t know much about book publishing.
I thought they published things in the United States because it’s where the author is from. But I’m kind of ignorant of book publishing. There’s alot to learn how the world works.
I had to go overseas to find a printer that produced hardcover books at an economical cost, as I didn’t find one here in the states that even produced hardcover books, let alone at an economical cost. I’m looking forward to hearing your reaction after you’ve had a chance to check the book out yourself.
Oh thanks for explaining that. I didn’t know that.
Yeah I can’t wait to read your book.
That’s nice your interested in what I think.