Getting Through The Interregnum

While THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS is on the presses, I’m currently bouncing back and forth on a number of projects requiring my attention, such as redesigning my display banner for upcoming comic conventions I’ll be attending later this year and early next.

Above is my initial rough sketch that will eventually be rendered in full color. Typically, I always start with a rough doodle of an image before building it up into something more complete and substantial. Once I’m happy with the basic drawing, I skip what would be called the inking stage and go straight to color.

Beyond this, I’m working on a commissioned piece I had committed to only to set it aside for the past several months so I could complete the remaining art required to finish BEGINNINGS. I’m also working on revisiting the art completed for the book and now making the necessary adjustments needed for the Lara-Su app.

At some point by late May/early June, I envision beginning work on THE KNUCKLES OMNIBUS as well as the next section of the SHATTERED TOMORROWS storyline.

By late June/early July, the printed copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS will have arrived, allowing me to fill all the pre-orders received by that point and get ready for the San Diego Comic-Con.

Speaking of which, I’m currently putting together a Special Lara-Su Beginnings package deal which I will be selling at the convention for $50. Details will be revealed once everything is decided. Anyone pre-ordering a copy prior to the convention and planning to attend can notify me by email prior to the convention so I have their already-promised items ready for pick-up at my table in Artists Alley. The reason I’m doing this is that the costs of attending a convention has risen dramatically for creators as most – like myself – don’t have the benefit of a company picking up the tab. The convention package will be different from the pre-order package, and I haven’t decided if I will make that available online during or after the convention. I’m more inclined to not go online with it so as to make the convention experience different from the pre-order offer, due mainly to the fact most people attending will be searching for convention exclusives.

I’m also planning which conventions I will be heading out to in order to promote the release of BEGINNINGS. I’m currently awaiting confirmations as to which ones I have table space at before making a formal announcement.

That’s the latest on my end. Keep checking back for further updates. Thanks and take care in the meantime.

4 Replies to “Getting Through The Interregnum”

  1. Sounds like you’ve been keeping busy! Very happy to hear things are progressing along and that you’re looking into ways to make appearing at conventions financially sustainable for yourself. đŸ™‚

    Lara-Su looks great in the sketch! Thanks for the update!

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