I’ve been working all weekend, even during the Super Bowl, and there are now only two items left to take care of. The first are the last 6 pages of the SHATTERED TOMORROWS chapter, which are in various stages of completion, and the last is locking in the SPECIAL THANKS pages.
Above is a screenshot of the InDesign file showcasing the cover and opening pages of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS book. Except for the pages I’ve just mentioned, everything else is in place and locked. The file will be turned over to the printer on Monday, February 19, 2024. Whether or not I reach 200 names is besides the point. The SPECIAL THANKS pages will be locked and inserted on that date. Anyone pre-ordering after that date will be listed in the app but not in the book. Once Monday February 19 hits, that’s it.
So if anyone still wants to see their name listed on the SPECIAL THANKS pages of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS, there are now less than seven days remaining to do so.
Speaking of the app, additional character Data Files will be included along with new story material once the book is sent off to the printers. I look at the app and any print material released as complementary of each other, as I want people to feel they’re getting their money’s worth with each.
So that’s my update for today. It’s back to work as I finally see light at the end of a long and winding road. (Sorry. Just can’t resist those Beatles references.) Take care.
Your Beatles references are always appreciated. 🙂 Wishing you all the best in locking everything in!!!
Your hard work’s all gonna be worth it, I’m sure!
I know life rarely works out this way, but I hope you can find a spot to take a proper breather after everything’s been sent off to the printer.
Best of luck with the remaining work!
Thank you for the kind words. After the book goes to the printer, I have to get right to work on the app so that’s ready for release at the same time as the book. I will take a couple of days off to unwind before doing so.
Ha ha, the title got me singin’ when I saw it. You’re at the last stretch. Best of luck!
I have a question, when are the Dara-Files going to be updated? and are Julie-Su, Lien-Da, Taelor’s data-file from the upcoming release are going to be released in this website as well?
I think we should also have Data-Files for more characters like Cobar, Spectre, Salma, and some of the new characters like Xero.
THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS and the initial app release will feature the following Data Files: Lara-Su, Geoffrey St John, Director Remington,Julie-Su, Lien-Da and Commander Mykhal Taelor. The next batch of Data Files will see release at a future date on the app as well as this website and will include: Cobar, Spectre, Salma, Thunderhawk, Ensign Brownie and Dr Zephyr. Xero will be a future entry with a bunch of other characters.
Another question, will this “Lara-Su Chronicles App” be avalaible for everyone? we’ll be able to read both the stories and the Data-Files, correct?
I’m planning for the iPhones app to be released just in time for the San Diego Comic-Con. It will feature the last chapter of M25YL, then THE STORM, followed by the opening segment of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: SHATTERED TOMORROWS. The stories are in one section of the app, while the DATA FILES will be in the EXTRAS section, along with the ART GALLERY (which is not in the book). I don’t have a Droid version of the app yet, but I hope to eventually. One priority at a time is about all I can handle. If enough people support the book and the Apple app release, the sooner the Droid version will happen as I’d like to be paying people to take on some of the workload in order for me to get more accomplished.
(Take your time to answer this one, it’s a big one)
Alright, hopefully the Android version will come out at some point soon.
Another question, what will happen to certain characters who appeared in Mobius: 25 Years Later?
We know characters like Knuckles or Rotor are getting replaced by “new” characters, like K’Nox and Artemis, but what will happen in-Universe to characters like Espio?
Espio is Salma and Juanita’s father, and Salma seems to be a big player in TLSC, i think it should be explained where is he.
The same goes for Tails, Sally, Vector, etc, will their roles be given to new characters? (like Knuckles to K’Nox)?
Another question , what will happen to Mina Mongoose? i know she didn’t had a big role, but she’s still part of the world, is Karl okay with it?
And also, we’ve seen Salma in a lot of promotional images, however, i haven’t seen anything about Prince and Princess Acorn (Manik And Sonia), or Tails and Mina’s children, not even Argyle! will it be explained where are they?
I think they should appear, considering them alongside Lara-Su are the “next generation” i would to see more of them, more of Lara-Su and Argyle’s interactions, maybe Prince Acorn (Manik) and Juanita, who knows, i just think that has potential for stories. (Maybe a spin-off if there’s time?)
And lastly, we will see more of Lara-Su’s friends? like Jaker and Riki-Le? does Lara has more friends aside from them?
Have a great day, Ken.
I’ll take the last question first. Jaker, Riki-Le, Rutan, Selma and Lara-Su’s other friends will be making an appearance in the later part of SHATTERED TOMORROWS as there’s a couple of key sequences that propel the characters into directions they hadn’t anticipated or ever dreamed they’d have to deal with. A lot of characters will be appearing as the story unfolds. I have no claim to Espio but I’m not sure how I want to handle that situation at this time. Mina is Karl’s character but I haven’t had talks with him, and don’t anticipate addressing that situation in the immediate future. I only have a general outline for THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES at this time, which allows me time to develop the details as I go along. I ask for patience in the meantime.
I get the Beatles reference. Good memories with the Beatles. The yellow submarine movie was awesome.
It sounds like your making progress on your book.