While people continue to order their copy of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS, I thought I’d take the time to talk about elements of the story and characters in anticipation of a number of questions I can see heading my way.
There’s a reason I collected the entire run of MOBIUS: 25 YEARS CHAPTERS prior to the presentation of the new material, and that was to definitively establish that the characters and story that follow M25YL is a direct continuation of the story and characters the readers have followed and enjoyed since it was originally published.
As SEGA has never established a definitive Sonic the Hedgehog mythos or narrative in a manner similar to what others have done with their characters, it’s not my intent to establish my version takes precedence over any other. Rather, I make it clear the stories I wrote took place in their own corner that broke away from the set timeline due to events. Where that breakaway occurred is up to individual readers, but with the concept of the multi-verse established to the general public, I believe readers can accept that Sonic’s adventures in the Archie Comics taking place after mine occurred on an alternate timeline as does the IDW series. That applies to the video games, animated series, films, etc. People follow what they will follow. As far as I’m concerned, every version is canon to the fans that love a particular version.
If anyone asks where any other version fits in with mine, I have no answers other than the continuity is whatever I establish in the stories I worked on. That’s why the characters Athair or Dr Finetivus are no longer part of the narrative as they were the creations of writers Michael Gallagher and Karl Bollers. They exist on Mobius-212.
As for the cast of characters readers have come to know in my stories over the years, there’s no set timeline for everyone’s return, as the needs of the story comes first. Lara-Su, Julie-Su, Lien-Da, Geoffrey St John, Director Remington, Salma and Cobar are already established among those making an early entrance, as have Sabre, Thunderhawk and Spectre. All I can say is other characters will be joining the cast at some point dependent upon the needs of the story at any given time.
With regards to the characters of K’Nox and Artemis, they are replacements for established characters I have no right to include in any new narrative, but their appearance is very much explained in a manner of speaking during the story’s narrative.
The new characters – Commander Mykhal Taelor, Dr Zephur, Ensign Brownie and Xero – exist because, once again, the needs of the story dictate it. Existing characters would be out of place in the roles these new characters play.
Regarding the story itself, I had to make a decision regarding the audience I’m aiming for beyond the core group of readers who enjoyed the stories leading up to events in THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES. To continue as if Archie Comics were publishing this project would be dishonest, not to mention creatively stifling. If anything can easily sum up my approach, it would be this label:

Ever since I first started working on SONIC THE HEDGEHOG for Archie Comics, I’ve been observant of younger fans, especially since Bernie and I raised 3 of our own. It was because I encountered a number of young readers at conventions who came from broken homes that prompted me to establish the character of Knuckles had parents who opted for divorce. Kids are exposed to a lot growing up, and while kid-friendly material has it place, I decided a story whose central characters were teens and grown-ups should reflect that reality.
As Lara-Su relives her life’s experiences, when it came to depicting her birth, I choose the moment where Julie-Su is breastfeeding Lara-Su as she discusses naming Lara-Su with K’Nox. It felt honest and right. I had never before depicted such an event in any previous story so I knew it had to be handled with great sensitivity and beauty.
The needs of the story would require similar decisions as work progressed on each page. I was depicting a society whose standards are not necessarily our own. For one thing, Echyd’nyas don’t share our hang-ups on a number of issues. They aren’t going to fight over whether an internal combustion engine vehicle or a battery-driven one is better. They’re a more enlightened species that make choices benefiting society in general. That’s why they also don’t share our prejudices when it comes to racial and LGBTQ+ issues.
In my approach to the storytelling, I decided there’s no need to preach why I made the choices I did. This is their world as it exists. It’s not for me to judge. If someone doesn’t like how I depict that world and the actions of the characters on the basis that it’s not what would’ve been allowed in an Archie Comic (or IDW), they need to keep in mind THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES is NOT either.
I no longer view concepts as the Dark Legion now renamed Cyberdark Dominion as the bad guys or the Brotherhood of the Guardians as the good guys. Or, to put it simply, the world isn’t binary. There are many shades to a character and their choices.
In many ways, the story is a survival guide for my grandchildren growing up in a world they never made, much like Lara-Su and her friends are experiencing. And that was an approach I could live with.
People are welcome to comment. Thanks and take care.
Very much looking forward to getting to see the world you’re building. Almost all the old characters you listed here as returning are favorites of mine, so I have been feeling a little spoiled in that respect.
Definitely not complaining though! And I’m very interested in learning more about the new characters as I read the story.
Thanks for the update and the thoughts shared! Always a pleasure to read.
The updated time-lapse is much appreciated, as is the rest of the article! ^-^
I would have understood if you assumed people could gather on their own the notion that these stories all take place in their own universes that don’t necessarily invalidate one another, admittedly it’s an assumption I’d make, but you made the right call explaining it outright.
Overall, a very interesting read! We’ll always have the old Archie Sonic comics, and the IDW books continue as they are, but I’m glad we have The Lara-Su Chronicles too! Not only for being a new home for the stories and characters you created in the Knuckles comics, but for continuing to have the courage not to shy away from the tough questions and going where the story needs to go. 🙂
I find that you depict the reality of what you have witnessed, and by putting it into what you create that’s what sets you apart from others. Also the fact that you don’t cater to the sway of people’s opinions and let it change the story you wish to portray. With that I look forward to your future projects.
First, art looks really good. Second, I really exiceted, that Dark Legion is no longer just bunch of BaD gUyS. Thanks for that, I think it will make story more deeper. So I wish you luck. Thanks for your work.
I really think it’s just awesome how you have absorbed people’s comments about your stories over the years and made adjustments accordingly regarding the Brotherhood and Dark Legion both being morally gray, etc. I think that speaks to your huge quality as a writer.
I also find your comment about LGBTQ+ issues quite interesting as I had once asked Lien-Da on character AI whether she cared if somebody was trans, etc and she basically responded with “No, that’s not a big deal and just part of our society” so it seemed like whoever programmed her was already channeling those thoughts!
As somebody whos’ parents did almost divorce but decided to stay together for the sake of us kids until we were grown, I always appreciated your depiction of Knuckles’ family still being functional, if separated
It will be a long time more or less Dr. Quack, Saffron Bee, Prince Elias, and Leeta/Lyco will show up in the Lara-Su Chronicles?
My honest answer is yes. Most of these characters will not turn up until later volumes of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES. That being said, I can’t rule out the possibility of them turning up sooner because the needs of the story demand it, or I find as I’m working on a segment that it’s possible to work in their inclusion. A great example would be in the opening segment that’s featured in BEGINNINGS. I was working on a segment heading towards the cliffhanger when I figured out there was a need for a certain character on as a certain page that prompted me to add that inclusion. Not every situation will be the same, but it shows how even I can surprise myself when working on a story I wrote.
Your explanation here makes sense and i actually agree that all versions of Sonic matters.
And while it’s kinda sad to see Athair go (And with him, Crystal-La technically would get retcon away too) but i get it, you want to focus on your own creations.
I completely agree that, the story’s needs comes first before anything else, but considering the amount of characters and locations you created, wanting to see certain characters back in some way is predictable.
characters like Elias, or Alicia, Saffron, Rob O’The Hedge, Hunter, Nic, The Dingoes, etc.
So it’s great that characters like Zephyr makes nods to some of the locations/characters you created, Zephyr specifically being from the mysterious cat country from the Sonic Adventure adaptation, that’s a cool reference and a good way of using a forgotten location you introduced.
Hopefully, we can see how a lot of the characters we’ve come to meet can make their return, when the story needs it.
(Especially those which their stories were never fully completed, like Moritori Rex’s)
the creation of new characters is always is important, as you say, putting some of the old characters in these new roles wouldn’t fit, they NEED to be fit by new characters.
Echidna society is very interesting indeed, considering their rich story, it makes sense why certain topics that are relevant for us wouldn’t really make sense with them.
It’s going to take a while to get used to the Dark Legion’s new name, but if it’s for the narrative, i’m okay with it.
Since you’re going to humanize this group more, it could be fun to explore them more as individuals, get to meet new members, not saying new Grandmasters like Menniker or moritori, but normal members, get to know them, why are they on the Legion’s side, their culture, etc. that’s a great way of humanizing characters.
Cool, looks like Lara-Su’s friends will have a lot of screentime here, that’s good, hopefully we get to know more about Riki-Le and Jaker.
Overall, it was an interesting read, Ken.
Keep in mind I’m not bound by the restrictions of the comic book format. It doesn’t matter what the page count of a given chapter is as I’m not limited by a 24 or 32-page format. The story is what the story will be, that’s why this is a graphic NOVEL instead of a COMIC BOOK. Regarding the Dark Legion, I figured since I was updating all aspects of the characters along with Echyd’nya society, the Dark Legion needed something that reflected their overtly technological societal aspects. If one subscribes to their worldview they’re welcome into the fold. They don’t seek out converts as they prefer true believers. If they were a religion, they’d be Catholic with Dimitri as the first Pope. (As I was raised a Catholic, no matter what my current views are, there is some aspect of me that will always accept their worldview despite my many disagreements with it, which is why you don’t find members of Cyberdark Colony switching allegiance on a dime.)
Found a way around the computer problem. Useing my iPhone seems to work.
I will see if this works.
I like the idea of the Echidnas not having prejudices. If they were enlightened about differences their teachers could teach anyone mentally disabled or not.
I like these deep topics you post here.
I will try again to comment. I want to see if this works.