There are now only 10 days left before my shipment of copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS arrives at the warehouse where they will be stored while I’m filling online orders thru my store page elsewhere on this website as well as selling copies at conventions.
Anyone ordering a copy of my book during the next 10 days will also receive a Limited Edition Lara-Su Print plus a randomly selected issue of SONIC or KNUCKLES I worked on, both signed by me. In addition, their name will be listed in the SPECIAL THANKS pages of the THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: SHATTERED TOMORROWS graphic novel as well as the SPECIAL THANKS section of the LARA-SU APP.
At this time, the books are scheduled to arrive at the Port of Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 11. I will make an announcement once I have confirmation of arrival. After that, I will be contacted by US Customs whereupon I will have 24 hours to pay the import tax. Once that transaction is completed, a trucking company arranged by the printer will load my shipment and deliver the copies to their destination.
After June 15, the promotion ends, but I will still be taking orders as the ONLY way anyone can purchase a copy between June 15 and July 22 is by ordering thru my website store page. Between July 23 and July 30, I will be ensconced in San Diego selling copies from my table (II-24) located in Artists Alley during the San Diego Comic-Con, so any online orders during that timeframe won’t be in the mail until July 31.
My gameplan at this time is to sell my book either thru my website or at conventions held throughout the country. Any discussions with distributors such as Diamond, Amazon, Scholastic and others will occur during my time in San Diego and should the status quo change, I’ll announce that as well.

Once I announce the pre-orders have begun to ship, the bulk of my work will essentially be complete. Once people start telling their friends about the book, I’m very confident people will want to see for themselves and pick up their own copy. What I say after this point doesn’t matter, as the audience will determine what happens next.
Anyone with any questions can email me anytime.
Thanks for your time and consideration. In the meantime, the countdown is on.
So exciting!
Looking forward to seeing the book in person when it arrives.
Please keep in mind those in the USA will be receiving their copies first even while I’m sending copies to people living outside the USA at the same time. I simply have no control over arrival in Canada or elsewhere, so I’m asking the those outside the USA to keep me informed when the books arrive on their end so I have some basis for the future. Your patience is very much appreciated in the meantime.
Finally it’s about to over. I’m really happy for you.
Good things to know. I’m glad things are coming along. You answered my question when the book would come, so I can’t think of anything to ask you.
I’m glad my mom ordered the book for me.
Awesome news! I’m especially excited that the books are now scheduled to arrive this coming Tuesday on the 11th when they were previously expected on the 15th! I love it when I get a shipping update like that. 🙂
I’ve had it much easier than those who’ve been following this project since you first announced it as far as waiting is concerned, as I’ve only been anticipating this release since 2020, so I’ll be good and patient for whenever Cluster and I’s copies arrive (presumably on separate days, which is outside your control and perfectly fine).
I look forward to the next update! Thank you (and everyone else helping to make this release possible) for all the hard work put into The Lara-Su Chronicles: Beginnings. I’ll be sure not to take one bit of it for granted!
Felicia, just so we’re on the same page, the books arrive at the Port of Los Angeles on the 11th. I won’t actually have access to the books until (at least) the 15th. And I say that with fingers crossed. Everything’s been going so well up to this point that I don’t want to jinx a thing.
Now I understand! Thanks for clearing that up. 🙂
Hi Ken,
Just wondering what the shipping and charges would be to get It sent to Ireland?
Paul, I would have to go to my post office tomorrow to get exact costs, but based on my shipping costs to the UK and European Union, I’d ballpark Economy Rate at $29 US and First Class shipping at $43 US. I’ll confirm anyway whether you do or not because once I add a country, someone always places an order. For the record, economy rate could see the item take a few days to reach you while I’m told sending something via First Class will take 6 to 10 days to reach you once I confirm the item is in the mail. Besides, it’ll take a day or two for my Website Administrator to update the store page. Feel free to send any more questions my way in the meantime.
Thanks for getting back to me Ken and best of luck with the launch!
Hi Ken, just wondering if they was any shipping update to Ireland, as I’d love to get in on the pre order bonuses before the 15th?
Paul, my Web Administrator has been having some issues to deal with, but I’m told she should have the store page updated within the next 24 hours. What I can do in the meantime is notify you when I know the page is updated and working. At that point you have 36 hours to place your order (I’m allowing for the time difference) even if it’s past the 15th by a day or two to qualify for the pre-order bonuses. I won’t leave you twisting in the wind. (For anyone else reading this, Paul’s problem is that Ireland has not been listed as a country we ship to on the store page. If your address is already covered, the 15th is the cut-off for the pre-order bonuses.)
Paul, I’ve been working with the Web Administrator over the past couple of days dealing with several issues regarding the site. Since that’s not your problem, I’ll get to the point. Right now, Ireland has been added to the list of countries that can order copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS. You have until June 18, 12:00pm PST, to place your order if you still wish to take advantage of the promotional offer. And if you act sooner (like now) rather than later, there’s a chance you can still take advantage of a glitch in the system that’s currently running. At this time, Economy shipping is listed at $30.00 instead of $33.05 while Priority shipping is listed at $42.05 instead of $46.25. Keep in mind economy shipping could result in the item taking up to 3 weeks to reach you whereas Priority shipping takes 6 to 10 days. And yes, this offer includes the promotional bonus. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience in the meantime. Thank you.