For my money, nothing I’ve shown so far truly conveys my approach to THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: SHATTERED TOMORROWS graphic novel I’m working on than the scene above.
First, it firmly establishes the story as science fiction that could easily take place on a planet located in the STAR TREK or STAR WARS universes. Or a number of sci-fi universes. PLANET OF THE APES, anyone?
Second, it’s a pivotal First Contact moment for Commander Mykhal Taelor as he encounters a vid-log left behind by an inhabitant of the place he’s exploring. Obviously, something major has taken place, but is he stepping into the middle of it, or it’s aftermath? Is Lara-Su asking for help? Or is it too late?
Third, Commander Taelor is as important to the story as Lara-Su is. He’s explored the vastness of space. She hasn’t. Taelor is important for another reason. He’s a guide to this new world he’s about to experience for the readers both old and new. He’s our avatar, asking the questions we would if we were in his place, trying to make sense of the differences between the cultures.
I’m looking to expand horizons with this effort. Go not just beyond my comfort zone, but way beyond. In many ways, working on this story has proved to be a learning curve for me as well, going beyond anything I’ve ever previously worked on in comics.
Unlike most comics, there are consequences. I’m not going to cheat by killing someone off and then bringing them back, or a character makes a bad decision but gets let off with a warning they should be more careful the next time. Things happen, and everyone has to deal with what happens next no matter. And the choices only get tougher.
For the record, I’m bouncing around from page to page, working on panel 4 of Page 10, then skipping onto panel 3 of page 7 to the first couple of panels on page 15. That’s how well mapped-out the story is. It actually keeps me thinking what else I can add to the narrative as I work on it.
And now, it’s time I got back to the drawing board. I have some deadlines to meet. Thanks and take.
Sounds interesting. Exploring other planets would be like going to other countries or states I can imagine. What could we learn from another culture and what could we use from that other culture to make ours better?
What you posted reminded me of that.
Looking forward to getting to read more of your excellent storytelling. 🙂 It’s easy to take for granted when the going’s good, but it’s staggering how some folks can stumble in telling a story in this format. So, consider your grasp on this to be appreciated more than ever on my part!