I’m still at work on material for THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS book as well as TL-SC App. From my perspective, it’s just trudging through writing and drawing, otherwise known as the same ol’ same ol’. Doing the work is nowhere near as glamorous as people imagine. If anything, one spends a lot of alone time and quite often the work itself is tedious much of the time. It’s when the work is finished that one can assess how successful or worth it was the effort put into the work.
The good news is I’m making significant progress to meeting my self-imposed deadline to completing the work in order to send the finished file to the printers.
The bad news is the remaining work is still time-consuming requiring a lot of effort on my part. It is what it is.

RIP Richard Roundtree AKA the original John Shaft. Like Sean Connery, the man was talented and had a long list of credits, but as Connery was THE definitive James Bond Agent 007, Roundtree remains the definitive John Shaft. Apologies to Samuel L Jackson fans, but Sam was only a pale imitation when compared to the original, and he more than most was aware of it as well.
I had the good fortune to be on set when Mr Roundtree was working on the last of 2 films he appeared in which have yet to be released. I was told he was not in the best of health at the time of filming, and witnessed all the precautions the production took to ensure he was protected and cared for during filming. The production was THELMA and he was shooting a sequence in a North Hollywood park along with actress June Squibb.
The film is currently in post-production and I’m looking forward to checking it out upon its release.
ITEM! My sympathies definitely go out to the people of Lewiston, MA as well as all those who lost loved ones in that horrific event, but you’ll excuse me if my concerns are more focused on the people of Gardner, MA, where my son and his family live. Police are searching for the man who killed his wife and is on the loose presumably armed and definitely dangerous. The killing was conducted less than a mile from where my son lives and the killer’s vehicle located not far from the vicinity as well.
I think it’s way past time we do something to get automatic weapons off of our streets as the ONLY purpose these weapons serve is to kill large numbers of people, period. Responsible hunters don’t use these weapons. If people feel the need to own a weapon, I see no reason why they can’t go through the same procedure one does through to obtain a driver’s license. I think I’m being more than fair when acknowledging someone’s right to own a weapon at this point.
One other point, I do believe in rescinding any protections weapons manufacturers currently enjoy from lawsuits. It’s probably the only way we’ll attain reasonable gun laws in this country.

To end on a more upbeat note, I’m taking a break later this evening to go root for my favorite team, none other than the Buffalo Bills on Amazon Prime. Win or lose, I’m with them all the way. Josh Allen is my QB and there’s nothing more exciting than when he connects with Stephon Diggs for the long play or the touchdown. It’s sheer poetry in motion. GO BILLS!
That Lewiston Maine shooting is next door to my state. It’s awful and sad.
Oh I wish your son safety of course.
I’ve never understood guns or violence.
Thanks for explaining about them. You’re teaching me.
I think it’s a blessing I wasn’t exposed to guns.
Glad to hear that progress on TL-SC is progressing as it is! Looking forward to seeing it for myself when it releases, as always. 🙂 I hope your son and his family remain safe from the shooter, who I really wish had never gotten his hands on a firearm to begin with.
I’ve continually been heartened by Biden’s messaging on assault weapons, being in favor of banning them outright. As much as gun-lovers probably hate to hear that, I think they’re due for some tough love – making the country safer will make them safer too, whether they want to admit it or not.