While I wait for my advance copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS to arrive before giving approval to ship my entire order, there’s still a lot going on at my end in the meantime.
For the time being, I’ve decided to sell BEGINNINGS exclusively through my website and convention appearances. After the San Diego Comic-Con, I’m targeting Toronto, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Mega-Con in Miami. I’m also looking at Chicago and Boston for 2025 appearances. I’m open to appearances elsewhere, but taking a wait and see approach based on what happens after San Diego.
Currently, I’m continuing my pre-order promotion of a limited edition signed Lara-Su print along with a randomly selected issue of either SONIC or KNUCKLES I’ve worked on I will sign and include when the pre-ordered copy of BEGINNINGS ships to the buyer. The promotion immediately ends once I have the printed copies of BEGINNINGS on hand to immediately ship.
The promotional package at San Diego is still being worked on, but BEGINNINGS and a bonus extra will be priced at $50, and both will include my signature. (I’m thinking along the lines of a quick head sketch, or alternate print. My concern is being able to satisfy demand during the convention if I go ahead with the head sketch.)
I’m also open to doing appearances at various retailer stores, and if that does happen, you’ll here about it here. Retailers can contact me via this link.

I’m currently at work on a full color Sonic Cast of Characters print which is nearing completion as well as my first full color STAR TREK print which will be available on both this website and the San Diego Comic Con.
In addition, by the end of this month and definitely before I head down to Comic-Con, I plan on unveiling the cover art for KEN PENDERS’S KNUCKLES OMNIBUS as well as a page or two from the next chapter of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: SHATTERED TOMORROWS.
As work progresses on the Lara-Su app, while I’d like to say it will be ready for Comic-Con, because of short cuts I took to finish the new material for BEGINNINGS, I have to go back and finish several drawings so everything plays consistently with previous material. I’ll keep everyone posted on progress as well as when the app will eventually launch sometime this year.
As always, if anyone has any questions, always feel free to email me. In the meantime, thanks for your support. It’s appreciated.
I’m looking forward to Knuckes book. Realy like this series. Many good stories was told. I have question. Is there will extra material in this one? Thanks for all your work. Good luck.
Absolutely agreed with him.
Just so we’re clear, you’re asking about the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS and not THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS, correct? While there will be new material in BEGINNINGS, I’m not sure what I would classify as new for the OMNIBUS, as I certainly won’t be writing any new Knuckles stories as I don’t have a license to do that. I’m tempted to redraw some of my earlier stories, but that would be the extent of it. There’s a part of me that thinks people would prefer the original material “as is” and leave it at that.
Hope you take part in 2025 at C2E2 and/or Fan Expo Chicago.
I wouldn’t rule it out, but at the moment I’m primarily focused on the San Diego Comic-Con and events beyond happening in 2024 first. I’ll keep everyone posted what’s up.
Wow, cover reveal for the Knuckles omnibus soon! Super excited for that! Definitely looking forward to that release, though I’ll be happy to wait as long as it takes for it to come out – I know you’ve got your hands full with everything going on and all. 🙂
I think prioritizing putting out The Lara-Su Chronicles: Beginnings was the right move, also. Wishing you all the best in finishing everything up for the Lara-Su app!