Christmas will soon be here, and if you’re wondering what to give a friend or family member or even yourself, at the risk of sounding too much like a commercial (which is exactly what this is), might I suggest pre-ordering a copy of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS hardcover collection?
If you’re new to the saga, here’s a good place start. And if you’ve read the MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER stories when they were first published, you’re about to embark on a journey to see how the rest of the adventure unfolds, experiencing new characters, new worlds as well as new levels of world building.
Also, if you’re one of the first 200 readers to pre-order a copy, not only will you receive a Limited Edition Full Color Print of Lara-Su signed personally by me, but you’ll also see your name listed in both the book and the Lara-Su App on the SPECIAL THANKS page.
But you’ll have to act quick. This offer applies only to those who pre-order their copy on or before January 15, 2024. After that, the book will be locked and sent off to the printers.
Once the copies arrive from the printers approximately 3 months later, everyone who pre-ordered their copies will receive their book before the book’s official launch at the 2024 San Diego Comic-Con, where you’ll be able to find me at Table II-24 in Artists Alley.
So don’t delay! Order today!
Looks awesome and amazing. My learning disabilty is causing some problems on this.
This involves money so do I have enough money for this? How do I order this?
I wish I could go to see you so bad but again couldn’t plan a trip even if I wanted to. Can’t drive.
That wall of disabilty hits me again. It’s not you it’s my own limitations.
Never mind those questions. It’s all taken care of. The ordering anyway.
Hey Ken just wanted to give a shout out. I love your work you’ve done over the years. I used to be one of the judgemental people about you, but I’m glad you stuck up for yourself and got your characters rights. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do in the future and the continuation of your story in The Lara-Su Chronicles.
Best Wishes and a Happy New Year!
Damien, if you enjoyed the work I did previously, I hope the material will meet with your approval. I may think it’s my best work yet, but that’s for readers like yourself to decide. Here’s wishing you a great Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.