After all the time, effort, blood, sweat & tears, the complete shipment of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS has arrived. The complete order arrived at the company owned by my next door neighbor, who graciously offered to store 200 cartons of books while I prepare for shipping the pre-ordered copies and take my show on the road to comic conventions.

Upon confirming the order was delivered full and complete, I loaded up the car with 30 boxes worth, most of which the copies are already spoken for, but mainly to gauge what kind of space I’d have available for everything else I’m bringing to Comic-Con in addition to the 30 cartons of books.

As you can see, more than enough room left for the original art, prints, suitcases and everything else I’m bringing to the show. (And yes, we own a Hyundai Ioniq 5, which gets great mileage when fully charged.)

The books are now on our dining room table where I am preparing to fill everyone’s order as specified by their choices and requests. Because we’re on the cusp of the weekend, I’ve decided to take my time and check everything thoroughly so no mistakes are made. Whatever I get packaged between now and Monday morning will be taken to the Post Office nearby first thing Monday morning. I will then rinse and repeat on a daily basis until all the orders are filled.
While the initial promotional offer has officially ended, I will include the Lara-Su Print I had made as part of the promotional offer with any new order as long as supply lists. (So don’t delay as I estimate I over-printed by about 30.)
If anyone has any questions, they are welcome to email me. While I can’t promise an immediate response, I will respond ASAP within 24 hours.
This is only the beginning. Besides getting ready for Comic-Con, once all the pre-ordered copies have shipped, my focus will be on getting the LARA-SU APP ready for release as well as working on the next chapter of SHATTERED TOMORROWS. I already have someone working on inserting the pages in the digital file for KEN PENDERS’ KNUCKLES OMNIBUS Vol. 1. All of these things will be discussed in greater detail later.
Right now, I simply want to focus on getting people their copy (or copies) of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES they have so patiently waited for. Once copies go in the mail on Monday, June 24, those recipients living in the USA should start receiving their copies on Wednesday, June 26, most certainly by Thursday, June 27, dependent on one’s location and mail service in one’s area.
And whether one feels good, bad or indifferent after receiving the book, I really want to hear what people liked, disliked, felt could be improved on, whatever. Thanks for your support in the meantime and take care.
Absolutely thrilled at this news. I can’t believe I’m about one week away from having this book in my hands!
I’ll be sure to let you know what I think of the book once I’ve read through it, but I’ll also let my friends know too! TL-SC is a really exciting project to me, and I bet I know people who’ll be interested in checking it out even if they haven’t read a single issue of Archie Sonic. 🙂
Thanks for keeping us all in the loop!
You want criticism? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean input?
I hope I understood that correctly. Just asking for clarification. I’m not always sure I understood what I read.Reading comprehension problems.
Do you mind if I ask for clarification sometimes?
I never thought of asking for input before. I never asked for that as an artist, I know art classes do that sometimes.
I didn’t know asking for that can be helpful.
That’s good news on your books. Sounds like you have an exciting summer planned with comic cons and books.
But sure I would share input. I’m curious about Salma as she is autistic and so am I.
I don’t need to be represented anywhere to be happy but I’m curious as to your take on it.
Ken! So excited for you! Can’t wait to put this up on my bookshelves, after some thorough reading of course! Wooooo!
Feels very surreal seeing you there with the final copies. I’m very much looking forward to getting mine and seeing what the future holds for your upcoming projects