At this time, those who purchased THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS have been emailed and instructed how they can Pre-Order KEN PENDERS’ KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME ONE. Everyone else will be able to Pre-Order sometime this coming Monday, March 10.
It occurs to me at this point I may not have been clear if I even expressed this thought at all, but everyone who Pre-Orders the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS before the completed book files are submitted to the printer will be listed on the SPECIAL THANKS pages, just as I did for those who Pre-Ordered THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS.
The fact that the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS is on the verge of becoming a reality is due more to the support from readers the world over. It wouldn’t happen without those who have followed my work, and for that I am very grateful.
So what happens after this? After the book is printed, shipped to those who purchased a copy and is made available thru my website and convention appearance?
My recent meeting with Scott Shaw! resulted in some critical decisions needing to be made, but what happens next is entirely up to the audience. If enough people keep supporting what I’m doing, I’ll keep on producing books.
Once the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS goes to the printer, I’ll be primarily focused on getting the LARA-SU APP ready for release while Scott Shaw! prepares the material for inclusion in the forthcoming release SCOTT SHAW!’S SONIC DAZE, featuring his work on SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #0 thru #3 and much more. The Pre-Orders for that book will begin shortly after the San Diego Comic-Con, with the book going to the printer sometime in the late August – early September timeframe with the public starting to receive their copies starting before Thanksgiving this year. This hardcover book will be about 160 pages with a price of $50.
Sometime in October, I’ll begin taking Pre-Orders for THE SHADOW FILES, which will collect stories featuring Shadow as seen in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #98, 124, 125, 145 thru 149, 157 thru 159, 166 and 167. I’m not sure yet what if any special features will be available, but I’ll have a better idea later this year. As for the page count, this will run approximately 160 pages as well in the hardcover format with a price tag which I’d like to keep at $40, but no promises. I hope to begin shipping copies to buyers sometime around February 14, 2026.
By this point, the LARA-SU APP will be out with more pages from SHATTERED TOMORROWS, with installments priced at $2.99 per installment.
As I make my way to completing the story, it’ll be about this time I’m gearing up for the release of KEN PENDERS’S KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME TWO, aiming for a Comic-Con 2026 debut.
My rough sketch of the future should have stopped here, but it became obvious with Scott’s books and THE SHADOW FILES that other characters deserved their own time in the sun. Thus, after KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME TWO is released, I’ve decided the next book will be HER MAJESTY SALLY, featuring material from SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #17, 18, SONIC IN YO’ FACE SPECIAL #1, SONIC #20, PRINCESS SALLY mini-series #1 thru #3, SONIC #31, 36, 41, 43, 58 thru 60, KNUCKLES issue #29, SONIC issues #155 and 156. The contents for this are not entirely locked in stone as I haven’t had the chance to review all the stories and there might be other story material worth including.
The following book will offer a mix of both old and new. For the first time GEOFFREY ST JOHN will be the star of the book, which will open with stories from SONIC THE HEDGEHOG issues #61 thru 64 along with KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA issues #19 thru 21. What follows next will be an entirely new adventure set in the aftermath of the Knuckles story. Details have yet to be worked out but I have some rough ideas I think people will be interested in.
And if people are fully invested in the MOBIAN ADVENTURE SERIES line-up at this point, I intend to keep going. I mean, what else should I do in my retirement? Just sit around?
I look forward to hearing from everyone what they think of the plan. Take care in the meantime.
Very exciting!
I’m particularly pleased to see that Sally will be getting her turn in the spotlight before long, though an entirely new adventure with Geoffrey is also very interesting.
Wishing you all the best with all this!
Thank you, Cluster. All I ask is patience as Sally and Geoffrey won’t be happening until 2026 or 2027. While Sally will be the easier of the 2 to get out the door, I haven’t decided yet if I’m willing to recruit new talent to take on the assignment of illustrating from my script.
TO be fair,I have enjoy your very clever planning for your Mobian adventure line-up,and I do hope after the finishing touch of all Mobian Adventures Line-up first batch and Lara-su Chronicles,leaving the publishing of the Mobian Adventure line-up and the publishing part of Lara-su possibly to you,or your friend’s and family,or maybe a kindly fans or a kind Sonic comic enthusiast who has interest on it….as for your retirement,I hope your family will carry the torch for The Lost One’s as well as your involvement on The Lost One’s as a creator….I hope I made clear with my words…hopefully if the publishing might get through,will you hope that SEGA will lovely be accepted your royalty request for the Sonic comic authorization in publishing and using these characters? Maybe so….waiting for your kindly and gentle response,Kenneth.
Mike, my door is always open to discuss a working relationship with SEGA of any kind. I’ve never been adverse to it at all. But I can’t force it. I can only do what I’m doing because I laid the ground work years ago. I hope to build the Floating Island Productions operation in the coming years as my means of support while I figure out who and how they will carry on the operation once I’m out of the picture. I haven’t forgotten THE LOST ONES either, but I need to get SHATTERED TOMORROWS finished before I focus on that. Each time I release something only grows my audience, so that plays a big part in figuring out what to do next. As I tell everyone, just keep checking back to find out the latest developments.
I really hope people keep supporting these releases! I know I will. These stories are very, very important to me – and giving longtime readers a chance to relive them while at the same time introducing them (and these characters!) to newer readers is like a dream come true.
If I’m able to afford it when they open for pre-orders, as I’m in no position to make many promises under the current presidential administration, I’m definitely pre-ordering Scott Shaw!’s Sonic Daze and The Shadow Files. What I can promise is I’ll be there for each new installment of Shattered Tomorrows when at last we have the Lara-Su app.
Wanted to make sure I remembered to mention all that before I proceeded to gush about Her Majesty Sally! Without further ado…
I could not be more excited for Her Majesty Sally, it’s basically instantly become one of my most-anticipated releases of yours. Getting to read what comes next in The Lara-Su Chronicles is what I’m most interested in, like always, but Her Majesty Sally is not far behind it in priority. Sally Acorn is one of my favorite characters, so that she’s getting her very own graphic novel reprinting her stories is what she’s always deserved and I’m so grateful she’s finally getting it in the Mobian Adventure Series!
If I may, since you mention other story material may be worth including, PRINCESS SALLY IN ASCENSION from SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #11 feels like a very important chapter of Sally’s story in your comics that would be very worthy of inclusion! That’s just what sprung to my mind first, but I’m positive I’ll be happy with whatever you end up locking in once you’ve gone over everything for yourself.
Last, but not least, Geoffrey St. John starring in his own book with new material rivals even Her Majesty Sally in how much I’m excited for it. It probably comes as no surprise after I commissioned an art piece of him and Hershey, but I’m more than happy to support anything that lets us see them again. You can absolutely count me as interested!
Thanks for filling us in on these plans! Waking up to this latest blog post got my morning started off perfectly. I’ll be looking forward to the next update! 🙂
Really exciting stuff Ken! Do you ever talk to Mr. Bollers anymore? I would love to see a Mina Mongoose collection like you’re doing for your characters. Maybe you could collab?
I haven’t spoken to Karl recently and that’s only because I’m busy getting the KNUCKLES OMNIBUS out the door. I definitely plan to speak with Karl to see what he wants to do, but until that conversation happens, anything I say now would be premature and disrespectful to Karl without his input.
Seeing you get in contact with all the creators you plan to reprint and feature in your books is fantastic, and cool to see when it comes to the future of reprinted Sonic material, but, a part of me does question the idea of reprinting in character collections rather than in a sort of, straight line approach.
With Knuckles, it makes sense, cause he had an entire 32 issue series, with build up. But for characters like Sally or Shadow, who’s stories are almost always fully contained in the main book, I’d much rather see their stories just get reprinted in a Sonic Omnibus or Trade Paperback format, with Book Subtitles like The Shadow Files, or The Acorn Restoration, denoting the main focus of that period of the book. I see no reason things like the Tails miniseries or the Sonic (Super) Special issues can’t just be printed where they go chronologically.
Something I hated about things like the Archie Archives series and Sonic Legacy, was getting told to go purchase another full book, to read an issue which could have just gone in the book!
Tori, there’s a method to my madness. I’m not Archie or IDW. I’m a small operation trying to make a viable business get off the ground. I’m receiving a number of suggestions of how I should issue collections and in what format all the time. I couldn’t do a SONIC OMNIBUS edition with a subtitle THE SHADOW FILES because the stories are too spread out and other things are happening in between. Thus, it makes sense to collect all the Shadow stories in one edition for Shadow fans. The initial omnibus featuring Sonic is going to be KEN PENDERS’ SONIC OMNIBUS VOLUME ONE, collecting stories I either wrote myself or co-wrote with Mike Kanterovich. I haven’t even figured out whether that book would end on the ENDGAME epic, or if ENDGAME should be it’s own separate release.
The other thing you haven’t taken into account is the fact I haven’t yet spoken to Mike Gallagher and Karl Bollers to see what they want to do. Scott Shaw!’s Sonic book is being done with his input, and not me dictating to him what the final book will be like.
There’s just way too many variables that reprinting the Archie Sonic stories in complete chronological order as you are aware of them is just not possible at this time, if at all. Better the stories are made available for readers old and new than not, right?
Sounds interesting what you’ve been up to. Wow you have a lot of good projects going. Yes I agree with Felicia. I like Sally Acorn as well.
I’m glad you explained what comic series will be in that Shadow book you’re working on.
It’s hard to picture what’s in your books sometimes unless I know what comic series are in it.
But once you explain I can visualize your book.