I may not have been able to make it to FANEXPO CANADA, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy.
In fact, I’ve made a decision on which printer to go with and am currently in the process of locking down my printing costs in advance of going to press, which means putting actual money down on a deposit and committing to a contract. People may have pre-ordered but the cash going towards the deposit is coming out of my pocket, so anyone thinking of pre-ordering a copy is encouraged to do so as I really need the support. One of the reasons I haven’t done a Kickstarter or Go Fund Me is I’ve always believed on delivering a product or service when receiving payment. This is the first time I don’t have the product on hand to immediately send to those making payment. The support of anyone pre-ordering will always be appreciated and never go unnoticed.
While I’m locking in the details with a printer at this time, I’m also searching for someone much more experienced with the software program Blender than I am.. I’ve come to the painful realization that the release of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES will only be prolonged if I don’t recruit assistance when I need, and as those needs do pop up, I’m going to attempt to address them.

Above is the GUARDIAN 7, while below is the PRAETORIAN 1. Guardian 7 is part of the fleet used by the Brotherhood for transport whether on rescue missions or protection from encroachment on Echyd’nya interests. PRAETORIAN 1 is the designation for any craft which carries the Praetorian to their destination for whatever reason.

I’m currently issues enabling me to import these objects into such programs as Unreal Engine. The problem with these 2 models is mainly some of the face normals are facing in while others are correctly facing out. I need this corrected so the models are properly usable.
While some may say this is not a problem for the print version, the fact is I’m trying to keep everything between both the print and app versions looking exactly the same, so it matters.
This is a one-off job with potential for more, but as I can’t make any promises at this time, I’m going to keep matters simple. I’m able to pay $100 USD plus a credit in both the book THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS as well as THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES app. If the use goes beyond these 2 projects, I expect there will be a token royalty payment. I can’t promise anything else beyond that. Anyone interested in taking on the task on can contact me via email at, kenpenders@thelara-suchronicles.com

On another note, I’m looking for people capable of translating from English to German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian and Vietnamese at this time. The pay isn’t much, but it is per page as well as a credit listing in the book and app. Any work translated will not be included in the initial release as I want to get the app to the public ASAP, but I’d like to include it in the follow-up update on the app. As with the models shown above, there will be arrangements made for a royalty. I can be reached via my email kenpenders@thelara-suchronicles.com address.
Because Twitter doesn’t allow multiple Tweets to be pinned unless one pays for that privilege, I’ve added this addendum to my original post.

The PRE-ORDER page is now up and active.
If you live in the US, you’re good to go as shipping is the same no matter where you live in the USA.
If you live outside the USA, please contact me for shipping options to your specific location.
Those who pre-order will receive their copies sometime in Spring 2024. The rest will have to wait until the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2024.
One last note: September 15 will be the last time I post on Twitter. I just haven’t decided whether to leave the account up for those looking for me or just shut it down completely.
After September 15, 2023, I can be reached primarily through my website, with occasional postings on Instagram, Threads and Facebook.
Thanks for your support, time and consideration in the meantime. It’s deeply appreciated.
Have you tried hiring shift+n to remap normals?
I’m pretty sure I have but I have no objection to trying again to be certain. I’ll get back to you with the results. (I know you meant “hitting.”) Thanks.
*hitting shift+n