I’m getting ready to submit a file to the printer so they can begin prepping the first 134 pages for the presses. When I do, only eight SHATTERED TOMORROWS pages remain to be finished, the Julie-Su Data File and one page of content after the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Oh, yes, at that point I will be updating the SPECIAL THANKS page one last time. 164 pages of total content will be submitted to the printer.
Because everyone who’s ordering a copy right is hoping and asking if they’re among the 200, I can state by tomorrow morning chances are we cross the 150 mark. If I do sell the full 200 before the book goes to the presses, great. If I don’t, I will still be excited and thankful because of everyone who ordered. THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES will be a reality, going out to 34 different states across the USA (I’m still holding out for at least one order from every state, including Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico) as well as 6 countries outside the US.
Considering this has yet to be distributed by Diamond or any other distributor or listed on Amazon, and the print runs of most editions of Marvel Masterworks runs about 650 copies or thereabouts (the latest Daredevil Marvel Masterwork hardcover edition lists a print run of 656 copies), I’m quite confident once people see the finished book that demand will increase. I wanted this to be as special as I could make it, and I’ve been told I’ve exceeded expectations. I look forward to the reaction upon its release. Thanks, everyone!
Thanks for the update! Everything you’ve shown of the book looks fantastic, I’m so glad my pre-order’s in and that I’ve gotten to support this!
Ken, it’s off topic, but you intent to make a future comic with focus in the furry comunity ? Maybe Archie’s Sonic was big influence in significant part of furries. For me, it’s not a bad idea, considering that you was important of this part of US comics history.
Bruno, it’s all I can do to get my current projects out as well as the ones I have on deck after THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS book goes to press and the Lara-Su app launches. The SHATTERED TOMORROWS graphic novel as a whole has to be completed. Then I have to assemble THE KNUCKLES OMNIBUS and somehow work in my LOST ONES graphic novel somewhere along the line. And I haven’t even mentioned getting my film THE REPUBLIC finally out the door. I appreciate people want to see me do other things but my focus is elsewhere at this time.
Oh, I just saw this. I posted a comment in another blog post. I apologize. My friends are helping chip in to get me the book as a gift, and I plan on getting it today. Is it possible to still get into the Special Thanks section? And if so, is it okay if I have our names there? Thank you for your work, Ken.
Yes, it’s still possible to get your name in the SPECIAL THANKS section as I’m still working on the last remaining pages with the SPECIAL THANKS section the last thing to be locked before going to the printers. Whoever orders can include a note who gets mentioned. Thanks for the support. It’s very much appreciated.
Thank you for responding, Ken. I included our first names in the “Get it personalized” part of the order instead of the notes part, my apologies. I purchased it this morning, and I can always send you an email to my receipt if it’s an issue. I meant for the names to go in the “Special Thanks” part. Anyway, really excited to see this book in its final stages, and even more excited to receive it. Keep up the great work!
I’m so in love with this. You did a great job!!
Sounds like things are going well. After this run, will there be a way I can get a copy?
If I were to do a second print run, and that’s by no means definitive, the 2nd edition would have a couple of differences at a minimum from the 1st printing. As it is, the first printing is 2000 copies. Only the first 200 people to pre-order will be listed in the SPECIAL THANKS page in both the book and on the app. Once the book ships to the printers, anyone who orders after that will only be listed on the app.
I really like the colors in that sunset ken of that Lara su drawing. It’s really pretty.
It will be nice to see the book when it’s done.