My production artist Tom and I are currently getting ready all the remaining pages for THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS that aren’t pages intended for the SHATTERED TOMORROWS section, as just about everything else is finished. He’s already prepared the SPECIAL THANKS section for inclusion in the book, and while I’m looking at a week at most to lock the names of those who pre-ordered a copy, or the Limited Edition Print or the T-Shirt or any combination of the above (which some of you have and I wanted to acknowledge that), my printer is looking for the material sooner rather than later.
So I’m sending a first pass of the pagination formatting so they can get started prepping the first 2/3 of the book while I race to complete the remaining pages and extraneous details for the final polish. The SPECIAL THANKS pages are in the back, which is buying me additional time to make this LAST CALL announcement.
This project is as real as it gets and it’s all because of those of you who enjoyed the stories and wanted more. If the interest, the passion, the support wasn’t there, I’d have called it a day and moved on to other things.
But people wanted this, and their purchases made possible a commitment to the printer, who’s already been paid a sizable chunk of the cost. The orders coming in now have covered the remaining cost of printing and we’re now working on getting ready to pay the shipping cost of the books from overseas to here in Los Angeles.
I still haven’t hit the 200 order mark, but that’s okay as this was never about how much money I could rake in. Rather, it was all about how viable undertaking this project would be. If I was going to do this, I wanted to do this in the formats of my choosing, both print and digital, and getting it out to as wide an audience as possible on a global scale, which is already happening. Mission accomplished as far as I’m concerned.
So those of you still sitting on the fence, now’s the time to jump in and fully commit so I can acknowledge my gratitude inside the pages of my latest work. Those who jump later will still be acknowledged on the app as I can’t promise anything more beyond that.
It’s been a long, crazy ride, but it wouldn’t be happening without you guys. Thanks with much appreciation.
Can’t wait!!
I’m so glad about the support you’ve received! You’ve earned and deserve every bit of it, in my book. 🙂
Very true I agree with Felicia. It must feel good to accomplish something.
Hi, Ken! If I order now, can I still get names in the Special Thanks section? My friends are chipping in to help me get the book.